1. Things are going smooth

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           AN: The story starts with the moon and star competition finals night after Phana and Wayo get together and Ming takes Kit for dinner after winning the title. So here we go...my first official chapter on Beam and Kit!!!


                   The night is still young. The celebration is over but the night is still young. If this was any other normal Saturday, Beam would have been at the club by this time. Relaxing, having a drink or two, listening to blaring music, dancing..finally girls.. Yes, that is the weekend routine of Beam, the sophomore medical student. But today was not normal for Beam. It was not a special day like it was for Phana or Kit, his friends. But still it was not normal. 

                   Wayo, his junior from high school and moon of Science faculty, confessed to Phana during the moon and star competition by singing a romantic song on stage. Phana, already being crazily in love with the junior, was over the moon listening to his cute junior singing for him. His usually cold and selfish asshole friend became annoyingly mushy every time he was with Wayo and Beam was genuinely happy for them. 

                Beam was talking to Phana when he saw Kit walking towards them. Phana asked Beam to collect the gift he ordered for Wayo from the shop. Beam took the order receipt from Phana and turned to find Kit nowhere to be seen. Beam realized seeing Ming, Wayo's best friend, the Moon of Engineering and now the campus moon, approaching Kit while Kit was walking towards to them. 

                Heaving a long sigh, Beam turned around and walked towards the parking lot. He found Forth, the last year moon of engineering, at the entrance guiding and helping the junior moons and stars to reach home safely. 

                "Hello there Dr.Beam!!" smiled Forth. 

               Beam returned the smile saying "Looks like the campus moon title returned back to Engineering faculty after all." 

                Forth chuckled, "But the ill-mannered bastard who won the title is nowhere to be seen. He was supposed to treat his honourable seniors but pooohhhh, disappeared. Wait till I get my hands on the brat." 

                Forth frowned playfully. Beam laughed and nodded. 

                "So Dr.Beam off to the club I assume?" asked Forth. 

                 "Something like that." mumbled Beam and continued walking after waving a good night to Forth. 

                An inch. No, not even an inch. Beam's car was stuck at the same place for about 20 minutes now and he had received atleast 5 calls from Phana asking about his whereabouts. Traffic was worse today. But it was not irritating Beam as much as his friend was irritating him. The genius former campus moon does not seem to realize that, him being impatient will not clear the traffic magically. Beam let out an irritated sigh and turned on his playlist to cool himself down. 

             Slowly the traffic started to clear and Beam drove towards the souvenir shop. After meeting the sales girl and getting the gift, he messaged Phana that he is returning to his dorm. The drive back was not less irritating as the traffic was still the same. "Ahhh...fuck." Beam cursed when his stomach started grumbling which irritated him even more.

                Beam stopped his car near Phana, who was waiting in front of his dorm for Beam. Beam handed the gift to Phana and started his ignition to leave. "What the...Beam, what the hell is this?" Phana knocked on Beam's car window. Beam rolled down his window glass and glared at Phana.

              "What now Pha?" asked Beam.

               "This is not the gift I ordered for Yo", said Phana.

                "What are you saying? The lady at the shop gave me this when I showed her the receipt you gave." said Beam.

                  "But this is not what I ordered. Cant you check once before bringing this here?" asked Phana annoyed.

                  "How will I know what you ordered? You dint even tell me what you ordered or what color or even better you dint ask me to check it before getting it. You just shoved the receipt at my face asking me to get it for you, asshole" shouted Beam in anger.

                     Phana glared at Beam before pulling out his phone from his pant back pocket and calling someone. After talking for few minutes, he came around the car and sat at the passenger seat. Beam raised his eyebrows questioning why he is in his car.

                    Phana smirked saying, "I talked to the lady at the shop. Even though the shop will close in another 15 minutes, she will wait for us outside the shop with the gift. So you better drive fast, so that we can reach there soon and get the gift. I cant make Yo wait".

                    Beam huffed irritably and started the ignition. It took more than half an hour for them to reach the shop and another 40 more minutes to reach Phana's dorm after getting the correct gift. After dropping Phana at his dorm, Beam drove towards his dorm. He crossed the late night fast food stall on his way to his dorm. But he was too tired to stop and buy food although he was hungry.

                  Beam stripped off his clothes and threw them into the laundry basket before stepping into his bathroom. He turned on the shower and stood under the cool water resting his hands on the wall. After cleaning himself off the sweat and irritation, he dried himself and stepped out of the bathroom in towel. Going through his closet, Beam found a simple light green tshirt and a grey short. Dressed comfortably, he reached his fridge and took out a bottle of cool water.

                Beam gulped down the cold water, when he heard a light noise from the hallway. He heard the noise of bunch of keys, then a key inserted into the lock and a second later, a door being opened and closed. Beam knew whose door it was. He took a step towards his door but stopped before opening. He contemplated for some time, before turning around and falling on his bed. Beam looked at ceiling and smiled sadly. "Seems like things are going smooth" Beam thought and closed his eyes trying to sleep.


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