17. Good bye P'Kit

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            "Hello..P'Kit", Ming greeted Kit in a very formal tone.

             No P'Kitkat, no mischievous smile, no flirty tone. Just like a formal greeting to a senior he knew. Although it was weird for Kit to hear such formal tone from Ming, part of him felt relived. 'This would make the conversation easier', he thought.

         "How are you Ming?", Kit asked with a small smile.

           "Good, P. How are you?", Ming asked and Kit nodded in answer. It was getting awkward between them.

           "Ming..are you busy now? Do you have time to talk?", Kit asked hesitating.

           Ming nodded and walked around the table and sat across Kit. Kit sat in his seat and studied Ming. Ming was hanging his head low looking at his hands which rested on the table. He looked handsome as always. But the cheerful smile which Ming always had was missing in his face now. The Ming who used to talk non-stop stayed unusually quiet now. Seeing the dejected look on Ming's face heightened the guilty feeling in Kit's heart.

             Kit had come here to apologize to Ming, to clear things between them. He had even practiced numerous times on how to apologize and what to explain in his heart. But now after coming here and facing Ming, he felt lost. He realized that no matter how much he explained or apologized, at the end Ming would still be hurt and he would be the reason for it.

            "P'Kit..what do you like to have? I can buy something for you.", Ming asked breaking the silence between them.

           "Ahh..No thanks Ming, I am fine", Kit said feeling uneasy.

             "It's okay P. Its lunch time anyway and I am sure you haven't had your lunch yet.", Ming said and stood from his seat.

            "Just juice would be fine..nothing else", Kit said quickly. Ming nodded and left towards the food stall. 

              Kit sat dumbfound in his seat. He looked around the canteen to find too many curious eyes on  him. Kit felt like shrinking in his seat. He was not used to any kind of attention. But Ming was the campus moon and of course people would be interested in anything Ming did. Kit closed his eyes and counted to ten to compose himself. He need to be brave to face Ming. He need to be brave for Beam. He looked at Ming who was coming back with lunch for himself and a drink for Kit.

              "Here P'Kit..", Ming pushed a glass of apple juice towards Kit and settled down with his lunch.

             Kit accepted the drink with a thanks and Ming returned a thin smile. He looked at Ming who had started to eat his lunch now. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

           "Ming..", Kit called reluctantly.

           "Yes P..", Ming looked at Kit chewing his food with no expression.

           "About what happened that day.", Kit started unsure of how to continue.

           "It was not an act, right?", Ming asked interrupting Kit, "P'Beam and you are together, right?", Ming asked looking down at his plate.

            "No..", Kit said, "Not yet.."

             Ming raised his eyebrows puzzled. He thought P'Kit and P'Beam were already dating. He even saw Beam kissing Kit's forehead and Kit smiling happily. He had gone to Kit's dorm to see Kit. He missed Kit and just wanted to see him once. But when he saw Beam and Kit coming together, he hid himself as he dint have the courage to face the truth yet. And the kiss was like a hard slap across his face which made him come in terms with the reality.

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