38. Give me my Beam

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Beam parked his car in front of the house and walked towards the gate. He opened the gate and let himself in while Kit came out running with a wide smile on his face. Beam wanted to pull him into a tight hug but restrained himself remembering he was in Kit's house.

"How are you baby?", Beam asked dearly as Kit came near him and held his hands.

Kit nodded smiling, "How are you? Heard you have turned into papa's boy again.", Kit teased.

Beam scoffed a little, "I haven't turned into anything. I am still the same old Kitty's boyfriend", Beam winked.

Kit smacked his arm playfully and led him inside the house. Kit's mother came out of the kitchen as Kit yelled that Beamie is home.

"Finally!", Kit's mother exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Beam engulfing him into a hug. Beam chuckled and returned the hug as Kit's brother and father waved to him from the living room.

"Wowww..looking gorgeous as always. Are you just aging in reverse aunty?", Beam asked winking.

Kit's mother laughed and ruffled his hair while Kit glared at him scoffing.

"Won't you stop flirting with my mother even now?", Kit hissed whispering.

"Nope!", Beam winked and moved to greet Kit's father and elder brother next.

"Long time no see, Beam", Kit's brother, P'Kieng patted his shoulder.

"How are you kid?", Kit's father shook hands with Beam.

All settled in the living room chatting for a while when Kit's mother came back from kitchen again.

"Beam, get freshen up, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes", she announced.

Beam nodded and stood up from the sofa taking his overnight bag. Kit walked first and Beam followed him upstairs to his room. Beam entered Kit's room after him and placed his bag on the table near bed. He turned around to look at Kit but Kit beat him to it by hugging him suddenly. Although initially surprised, Beam immediately hugged him back tightly.

"I missed you.", came a low muffled voice from Kit.

"I missed you too baby", Beam said caressing Kit's shoulder.

Kit hugged Beam thightly and moved even closer in his arms. Beam gently caressed the back of Kit's head while Kit nuzzled his face under Beam's chin.

"Baby...", Beam called in a dreamy voice and Kit raised his head a little.

Beam lowered his head simultaneously and kissed his eyes softly. He had missed Kit badly, even though they spoke to each other and video called each other daily.

Beam held Kit's head in place and bent down to reach those pink lips which he had missed the most. Kit responded to the kiss immediately by parting his lips and Beam slid his tongue in drowning into the most delicious taste. He titled Kit's head and deepened the kiss making Kit breathless. Both pulled away from the kiss panting and smiled at each other.

"Seems like someone missed me a lot", Beam teased.

But Kit was not in the mood for teasing as he pulled Beam's collar for another kiss. Beam leaned against the table behind as he pulled Kit along with him without breaking the kiss. He pulled Kit closer making him stand in between his legs. His fingers slid along Kit's back slowly and sneaked under the shirt efficiently. Kit trembled at the touch and clutched Beam's shirt thightly.

Beam gently sucked on Kit's lower lips reducing the tempo and making it softer. Kit relaxed himself and let Beam lead the kiss again. Beam smiled into the kiss as he gently pecked on the upper lip before capturing it in between his lips. Both their lips blended with each other in complete harmony drowning them both into the moment when the door flung open suddenly.

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