18. Jealous Kitten

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           "Nong, we are out of water bottles.", Kit said irritated.

            "Already?" N'Neo, the freshman whined, "But I brought two cases of water bottles".

             "Really? Why do I see only one case here then?", Kit snapped.

            "Sorry, P. I will get water now.", N'Neo apologized and left the medical booth where they were volunteering.

             Kit huffed and sat down in frustration. The Sun was scorching bright and he was sweating a lot. Kit was hungry and thirsty as well. It was the first day of the sports meet and he had been in the medical booth for four hours now. And in this four hours six girls had visited his booth complaining of various illness seeking medical attention, Beam's medical attention to be exact. Kit was outraged every time a girl would walk into their booth with silly complaints. But Beam, he treated them with utmost care and diligence.

            Kit was aware that his insecurities were kicking in and remained calm when the first two girls stopped by the booth. Of course he understood that they were going to be doctors and they need to work with female patients and other female doctors in future. Kit cant get jealous and insecure every time Beam talked to someone from opposite gender. But when the number of girls increased, Kit couldn't help but boil every time a girl would try to flirt with Beam or Beam would touch the girl even if it was to treat a wound.

              "Is he seriously not aware of those girls' intentions or he is doing this on purpose to irritate me?", Kit asked himself aloud, "Whatever..I don't care any more..", Kit rested his head on the back rest of the chair in which he was sitting and closed his eyes.

           Completely unaware of Kit's turmoil, Beam walked briskly towards the booth after buying lunch and drinks for him, Kit and their junior. He saw his junior coming out of the booth and asked where he was going.

           "I am going to bring one more case of water bottles P'Beam", N'Neo replied with a sullen expression.

           Beam nodded and walked again to the booth when his junior called him again.

          "P'Beam, may be you should pay attention to your surroundings more", N'Neo said and ran off without waiting for Beam's reply.

           Beam gave a confused look and entered the booth with three lunch boxes and drinks. He saw Kit resting in his chair and placed the lunch and drinks on the table without any noise. He walked towards Kit and stood behind him. He looked closely at Kit's face and smiled gently.

             Kit opened his eyes when he felt fingers pressing against his temples on the either side of his head. He saw Beam standing behind him and looking down at him with a smile. Beam was gently pressing Kit's temples in small circular motions with his fore finger and middle finger.

          "Wha..what are you doing?", Kit stuttered.

             "Taking care of my baby..", Beam replied calmly.

            Kit could feel the blush starting to creep on his face and his anger subsiding considerably. He tried to get up from the chair but Beam held him in his place by his shoulders.

          "Ssshhhh...relax..", Beam said and continued pressing his temples.

            "You don't have to do this", Kit said relaxing slowly but blushing badly.

          Beam just shrugged and continued his work with a smile.

           "Stop staring", Kit said after some time without looking at Beam. He could feel Beam's strong gaze on him.

            Beam stopped massaging and lowered his hand gently. He held Kit's cheeks in his hands and titled his head upwards. Kit looked at Beam nervously when Beam slightly pushed Kit's bangs from his forehead. He bent down towards Kit and placed a soft kiss on Kit's forehead. He slowly pulled away to look at Kit's face. Kit batted his eye lashes a few times and lowered his eyes from Beam.

          "What are you doing? Someone might see..", Kit said in whisper and tried to move away again. Yet again Beam held him back in his place.

           "Beam..." Kit called and Beam shook his head. "Beamiee..", Kit called again and Beam nodded this time making Kit flush redder.

          Both were so lost in each other's eyes until they heard an awkward cough from the booth entrance. Beam straightened himself and Kit bolted up from his chair in mortification. Beam looked at the entrance to find N'Neo standing there awkwardly with a case of water bottles. The junior entered the booth, placed the water bottles case in the corner of the booth and ran away again before Beam could call him to join them for lunch.

          "Told you someone might see..", Kit smacked Beam's head.

            "You weren't complaining though", Beam laughed teasing Kit.

          "Shut up if you want to live another day...shameless..", Kit chided hiding his shyness.

           "Alright! Let's eat now", Beam pulled Kit to the chair and gave him a lunch box. Both ate silently looking at each other and smiling like love sick puppies.

           Kit got up to dispose off the empty lunch boxes and spoons when a girl entered the booth.

           "I fell down and hurt my knee, P. It has bruised badly and hurts so much", the girl said directly looking at Beam.

          Kit gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as his anger amplified drastically. Whereas Beam just signaled the girl to come in. "Sit there on the stool. I will check you now", he said unbothered.

         Beam took the first aid kit from the table and sat across her in the chair.

         "You call that a bruise, that's not even a scratch", Beam's hand stopped mid air near the girl's knee on hearing Kit's cold voice. He slowly retreated his hand without touching the girl's leg and looked at Kit who was looking intently at the girl.

          The girl was puzzled and looked down at her knee, "But..but P, look how red it has become and it hurts so much", she whined.

         Kit rolled his eyes, "Wow..I thought we are aiding university students here, never thought we had five year olds around", Kit exclaimed loudly and Beam's eyes widened.

        "P..you are being rude now..I really hurt my leg and may be I have even broken a bone. As a medical student aren't you supposed to help me?", the girl sounded irritated now.

        "Nong..you won't be walking into the booth if you had broken a bone in your leg. Also we are just sophomore students. We cant treat any serious wounds. I can call my senior who will gladly assist you to hospital if it hurts so much", Kit said in a polite yet sarcastic tone. 

           He turned to Beam and took out an ointment from the first aid box and shoved it to the girl's face, "till then apply this on your wound and you will be fine. So..." Kit smiled sweetly now and gestured her towards the booth entrance.

         The girl's face turned stiff. She stood up in anger and left the booth without saying anything. Kit turned to the table as if nothing happened and took off his practice coat. Beam was stunned in his seat. Before he could process what had happened, Kit started walking out of the booth. Beam stood up quickly and held Kit by his wrist.

        Kit turned and glared at Beam, "Let me go..", Kit snarled.

       "Kit..what happened?", Beam asked uncertain.

        "Nothing...looks like I don't have much work here", Kit said and freed his hand from Beam.

         "What are you talking about?", Beam asked confused but Kit had again started to walk away, "At least tell me where you are going?", Beam shouted.

         Kit paused for a second and turned to look at Beam, "Going to watch basketball game between engineering and Business. Ming is playing. So.." Kit said coldly and walked out without sparing another glance at Beam. 


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