21. You shouldn't have..

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            "The dinner is on the losers..", Forth yelled from the right side of the stadium.

            Phana who was wiping the sweat off his face huffed in annoyance.

           "Yeah, yeah.. ", he shouted back and showed a thumbs up to Forth.

            The two hour long basketball finals have ended with engineering winning medical by 3-2 points.

            "Looking forward to steak..", Forth said with a smug face as he walked near Phana.

             "Alright, choose the place and message me.", Phana said in a irritated tone. He hated loosing, especially to Forth. But the engineering boys were beasts on court.

           "Oh come on...its just a game...", Forth continued the conversation.

              Phana took a long breath and looked at Forth. Beam and Kit were right. Phana was loosing a good friend out of stupid jealousy.

             "Alright..asshole..you just have to be the gentleman always, right?", Phana smiled finally.

              Forth shrugged, "Meet you at the steak house then. Bring your boys too."

              "Sure..", Phana replied and both bumped their fists and parted with a bro hug.

              He watched with a smile as Forth reached the audience and helped Ming walk out of the stadium. Ming's ankle was fine and had recovered a lot but being Forth, he just had to act protective of someone all the time. Phana shook his head with an amused smile and turned to look at his friends.

             Beam and Kit were waiting with Wayo and all three were looking curiously at him.

           "Dinner is on us", Phana said skeptically.

           "Ahh..", all three said in chorus.

             "You are all coming tonight...steak house...", Phana continued acting indifferent.

            "Oh..." all three chorused again.

             "What?", Phana asked sharply.

           "P'Pha sometimes it feels like what you and P'Forth have is like lovers quarrel.", Wayo said pouting hard.

          "What the...", Phana stopped himself from cursing out aloud as for him Wayo was still a child.

        "Eeewwww..I just lost my appetite for steak now", Phana grumbled showing a disgusted face and the other three just laughed at Phana's behavior.

         "Alright..time to celebrate then..,yeeyyy steak house", Beam shouted happily.

         Phana smacked Beam' head, "Don't even think about skipping the volunteering. Freshen up and go back to the booth. We will leave by 7 PM after Forth messages the location.".

        "Yesss...dad..", Beam said with sarcasm and Phana raised his hand again threatening to give another smack.

        After getting refreshed and changed, Phana left for his booth and Beam and Kit went to their booth. It was the last day of the sports meet and Beam was desperate to escape the volunteering duties. He usually escaped from these kinds of works and Kit always filled in for him. But this time, he stayed back and helped Kit. Of course because he had the most important test of his life and he was determined to pass it with flying colors.

         On reaching the booth, Beam plopped on the chair stretching his legs and Kit sat on the edge of the bed. Their junior, N'Neo, greeted them and went back to concentrate on the game in his mobile.

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