30. Do you want me?

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            Phana shifted uncomfortably seeing the scene unfolding in front of him. He looked at Kit who was standing near him. Kit was glaring as if he would burn the whole place down just by looking.

           "You promised, you would talk to Beam before deciding anything", Phana reminded Kit.

          Kit inhaled sharply and nodded. His eyes dint leave the couch where Beam was sitting with beer bottle in his left hand and typing something in the phone with his right hand. He handed over the phone back to the girl who was sitting on the arm rest of the couch way too close to Beam, leaning near his face. The girl moved her left hand from back of the couch and placed it over Beam's shoulder. She showed something to Beam in the phone while Beam nodded and smiled again.

           Phana caught Kit's hand, "We might be misunderstanding what's happening Kit"

          But Kit jerked his hand from Phana's hand and left the bar boiling in anger. Phana glared at Beam and walked towards him. Beam waved at him when he noticed Phana approaching him and the girl left the couch after saying something to Beam in his ear.

           "Seriously Beam! Can't you change for better at all?", Phana yelled as soon as he reached the couch.

           "What happened?", Beam raised his eyebrows, "and where is Kit?".

           "Why do you need him? It doesn't look like you need him now", Phana yelled again.

           "What are you saying? Dint Kit come with you ? You said you will bring Kit", Beam asked again confused.

             "Bastard", Phana pulled Beam off the couch, "You are my friend, but that doesn't mean I will hesitate to break your legs if you hurt Kit. What the fuck were you doing with that girl?", Phana asked in anger.

           "Pha that's our classmate June's girlfriend. Her father owns private resorts at the island nearby. I wanted to take Kit on a trip after the exams so I was getting her dad's contact", Beam explained calmly, "Now tell me where Kit is".

         Phana gasped, "He left. He came here with me but.."

         Beam placed the bottle on the table and left before Phana could complete his sentence. He reached the parking lot and got into his car. Beam noticed a cab leaving when he reached his dorm. He parked his car and looked at the second floor from the parking lot to find dim light coming from Kit's room.

           Kit opened his fridge and took out a bottle of cold water. He took large gulps of water and placed the empty bottle on his study table when his room door flung open. He turned around surprised to find Beam standing near his door. Kit flinched when Beam blasted the room door close and walked towards him.

         "Why are you here?", Kit asked irritated.

        "Why are you here?", Beam returned the question, "Do you want me to drag you to the bar again?", Beam asked curtly.

          "I am not coming anywhere", Kit replied coldly.

           "Kit..Don't test my patience", Beam warned trying to keep cool and moved closer to Kit.

           "Or what?", Kit challenged but moved back.

           "Kit its not what you think", Beam raised his hand to hold Kit.

           "Don't touch me", Kit hissed in anger and Beam's face changed in seconds.

           Beam grabbed Kit's upper arm near his elbow and jerked him forward, "You said you trust me", Beam gritted his teeth in anger, "You promised you won't walk away".

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