16. Safe faculty!

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            Phana parked his car in the engineering faculty parking lot and turned towards Kit who was sitting in the passenger seat.

            "Are you sure about this?" Phana asked Kit worried.

             "Yeah, I will be fine. You go ahead and attend the meeting. I will wait for you in the canteen." Kit gave a thin smile.

            Phana heaved a sigh, "I can go with you if you want."

            "No Pha.. I can handle this. Also it's better if I talk to Ming alone, don't you think?", Kit said and got out of the car without waiting for Phana's reply.

              They reached the engineering faculty canteen and sat at an empty table. Phana called Forth and informed him that he had arrived at their faculty but waiting for medical faculty seniors to come there.

             Phana was still not in good terms with Forth after Forth tried to court Wayo. Even after he and Wayo became official, he couldn't help but think Forth as his rival. Phana and Forth became friends when they both competed for the moon title during their freshman year. But then, they were close and the competition between them was healthy. 

           After Wayo happened, both took things personally and their friendship turned sour. Phana knew he was to be blamed for most of what happened. He was jealous of Forth, as Wayo idolized him. Even now Wayo admired Forth so much that it irked Phana.

           It was time for the annual sports meet at their university. It's going to be a three days event and every faculty in the university will be competing with each other on various events. As a former campus moon Phana had responsibilities to attend photoshoots and other promotional activities to help get funds and sponsors for the sports meet. In addition to that, this year, being a senior in medical faculty he must take additional responsibility of the medical booths with his seniors which would be available on all three days of the sports meet to aide students of their medical needs.

            Five medical booths would be set up on various parts of the university, two being set at the play ground where the events would be held, two at the either side of the university and one at the ground where various food stalls and other recreational booths will be held. Phana would lead the sophomore medical students and the freshman students. Each booth will have a freshman who would be in charge of the material supplies, two sophomores who will be in charge of the first aids and one senior who will guide the other three and take care of assisting any major injury and getting them to hospital if needed.

            Engineering students were managing the entire sports meet events so on behalf of medical faculty Phana and his two seniors had a meeting in engineering faculty to discuss on the needs they have to set up medical booths. When Phana had informed that he would be going to the engineering building, Kit asked to tag alone so he would meet and talk with Ming. Beam wanted to go with Kit but Kit denied stubbornly that he would talk alone with Ming first. 

         Beam was worried if Ming would say something hurtful to Kit or if Ming would vent his anger out at Kit. Eventhough reluctant Phana assured Beam that he would be around Kit and take care that Kit dint get hurt in any way.

         "Long time no see...", Forth reached the table where Phana and Kit sat.

           Phana just nodded his head in acknowledgement while Kit waved at Forth with a smile.

           "Hi Forth", Kit greeted. "Hey Kit.", Forth greeted back and sat across Phana beside Kit.

             "My seniors will be here in a minute, then we can proceed with the meeting", Phana said avoiding any personal talk with Forth.

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