26. I am ready!

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           "Stop biting Kitty", Phana froze in front of Beam's door when he heard Beam's voice.

          "No...", came Kit's fierce voice.

          "Tsk..won't you listen to me? Come here", again Beam's voice. 

          Then soft noises of someone moving and bedsheets being ruffled were heard.

         Phana stood at the hallway perplexed. He looked at the door which was slightly ajar in front of him. He shook his head once, clearing the dirty thoughts that had started to swarm around his brain. He raised his hand to push open the door when he heard another muffled noise. Not a noise, it was a...

        "Hmmm...", the same noise again. A moan..?

       "Give me your hand", Beam demanded.

         "Don't wanna..", Kit whined.

         "I will be careful. I promise.", Beam replied.

          "You will get hurt if you keep moving this way", Beam complained after few seconds.

         Phana looked alarmed to the either side of the hallway to check if anyone else was there.

         'What are these dorks doing in broad day light, with their door open', Phana thought irritated. 

          He was here for a group study with Beam and Kit. But now he just wanted to run away. It was sweet seeing his friends being lovey dovey with each other. But hearing such conversations were..

        "Aish..Be gentle...will you?", Phana cringed hearing Kit's words.

         Unable to hold further, Phana knocked on the door loudly.

         "Did you order something?", Beam's voice could be heard followed by muffled noise again.

          Phana knocked again getting impatient.

         "Coming..", Kit's voice was heard followed by footsteps. The door flung open and Kit stood at the door, surprised first followed by a glare.

          Phana looked at Kit from head to toe. He frowned as Kit looked..fine.

          "You look fine..", Phana muttered confused.

         "What?", Kit asked puzzled as he opened the door wide to let Phana in.

          Phana entered the room and saw Beam sitting in the middle of the bed with a nail cutter in his hand.

         "Fuck!! Seriously..", Phana let out a relieved sigh and chuckled at himself.

         "What is with you, knocking on the open door?", Kit smacked on Phana's arm.

         "Hmmm...let's just say that I dint want to walk in on my friends making out", Phana smirked.

        "Pha..", Kit gasped and glared at Phana while Beam just chuckled.

         "What? As if you don't do anything behind the door", Phana teased Kit.

         Kit gaped turning red, "Jerk, do you have a death wish?", Kit scolded.

        "Oh come on..its not like you haven't..", Phana stopped mid sentence as Kit turned pale. He looked at Beam who dint give any reaction but just moved to the night stand, placed the nail cutter and took out his books getting ready for the study session.

       "Fucking..really?", Phana exclaimed loudly earning a glare from Beam and troubled look from Kit.

        Phana laughed out aloud holding his stomach, "Woww Kit, what a perfect way to punish the ever horny Beam Baramee", Phana continued laughing and Beam threw a pillow at him cursing aloud.

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