3. Traitor! Jerk!

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AN: Here is another chapter about Beam's feeling on Kit. I was so drawn to the picture above when I wrote this chapter :) 


                  Beam reached his class and sat on his usual chair. It was only 7:30 AM and many of his classmates have not come yet including his friend Phana. Beam kept his backpack near his foot and took out his notes. He tried concentrating on his notes for some time before closing it defeated. He rested his head on the table and closed his eyes.

                  Kit's face flashed across his mind which made Beam open his eyes quickly. To be exact Kit's blushing face was what Beam saw. Brunette hair bangs falling on the forehead, small eyes, button nose, pink lips and those dimples. 

                Beam had been friends with Kit from junior high school. He had seen happy kit, drunk kit, angry kit, grumpy kit, scared kit, sad kit, crying kit...everything But blushing Kit was new to him. He had never seen Kit blushing.

                 Beam used to tease Kit at every chance he got. But Kit's usual reaction was getting angry and fighting back with him. Never once Kit blushed when Beam teased him. Ming had that effect on Kit which surprised Beam. Kit always thought he could mask his feelings behind his grumpiness. But to Beam, Kit was always an open book. Beam could read Kit easily always. And now Beam had no doubt on how Kit was feeling.

                 Kit was falling for Ming. His Kit was falling for Mingkwan and Beam could not do anything.

            Beam closed his eyes tightly and tried to stop thinking. He had been trying everything for the past few days to remove the heavy weight from his chest but he failed miserably everytime. Beam dint take Ming seriously when he started teasing Kit. Beam even found it entertaining to see Kit squirming shyly whenever Ming teased him. Along the way, Ming started to flirt with Kit and Kit responded to it in his own way. That was what brought Beam to the shocking realization that Kit was getting attracted to Ming, a man.

             Beam racked his brain trying to remember every single day he spent with Kit since the day he met Kit. But he could not remember any incident or talk or a hint Kit gave, from which Beam could conclude that Kit was drawn towards guys. Kit liked girls or that's what Beam thought. Even when Phana was smitten with Wayo during their school days, Kit never expressed anything which indirectly could mean that he was okay with any gender.

            Kit dated once when he was in high school. She was a pretty girl and her family was friends with Kit's family. They were friends first before deciding to date. Beam saw how happy Kit was with Pin, his girlfriend. But towards the end of their school days, they broke up. When Phana and Beam asked Kit, he just replied that Pin was planning to move overseas to continue her studies and they mutually agreed that long distance relationship wont work for both of them. Phana tried to talk Kit out of this but Kit was strong and said he felt bad but he was not hurt and would move on quickly. And he did too. Kit moved on gradually from Pin.

               The constant teasing by Beam ruined Phana's chances of being with Wayo during school days. Even if Phana did not agree to this, Beam knew better and he regretted it till date. Beam thought may be Kit never expressed his preferences due to the fear of Beam teasing him like he did to Phana. But he, Kit and Phana were close to each other. None of them hid anything from the other two. That's how close they were. 

                To be honest, Beam was close to Kit than he was with Phana, because sometimes the genius Phana can be so dense and stupid. People usually assumed Kit to be short tempered and grumpy, but only Beam and Phana knew how caring and gentle Kit is. In fact only Beam knew that Kit is a very attentive person. He notices everything about Beam and Phana, but just chooses to wait till the other person opens up to him on their own.

               A smack on his upper arm brought Beam out of this thoughts and he raised his head from the table to see a very angry Kit glaring at him.

              "Traitor!! Jerk!!" hissed Kit.

               Beam caressed his arm where Kit hit him, "Judging by your reaction, I conclude the breakfast date with the campus moon was a success" said Beam with his usual teasing smile.

              "Tell me one good reason why I am friends with you" asked Kit annoyed.

               "Because I am handsome" replied Beam making a v sign with his thumb and fore finger under his chin grinning widely.

               "Handsome, My ass!" Kit rolled his eyes and sat on the chair to Beam's left.

               "Morning guys!" greeted Phana. "So Kit, how was your date with N'Ming? Yo said you promised to have dinner with Ming, if he won the campus moon title." inquired Phana after making himself comfortable in the seat to the right side of Beam.

              Kit just glared at Phana without replying anything, while Beam just concentrated on taking his books out of this bag for the first class.

                "Wont you ask him anything?" Phana nudged Beam. Before Beam could reply, professor entered the class and Phana leaned forward to look at kit and said, "I want details. Everything, once class is over".


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