39. What's this bunny trying now?

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               Kit fell on his bed irritated. He was so angry at P'Kieng. The dinner with the family went well but P'Kieng made sure he taunted Beam indirectly at every chance he got. And Beam was just smiling to everything his brother did throughout the dinner. He dint even let Kit to say anything also.

              Beam walked out of the bathroom after his shower and smiled at Kit. Kit pouted and sat up on the bed.

            "I am sorry. I dint know P'Kieng would be this rude", Kit said feeling guilty.

              "It's okay baby. This is nothing", Beam smiled.

           "But still..", Kit started when P'Kieng barged into the room again.

             "I am here to warn you again", P'Kieng looked very seriously at both, "Not a word about you both to our parents. Understood? I know about mom. But dad and grandmother are very conservative and I don't want them to have a heart attack", he said sternly.

            Kit and Beam nodded in understanding.

           "Also..", P'Kieng cleared his throat, "How far have you gone?".

             Kit looked puzzled while Beam widened his eyes chewing his lips.

            P'Kieng rolled his eyes at Kit, "Have you had sex?".

          "P..", Kit shrieked embarrassed while Beam coughed awkwardly.

          P'Kieng froze for a second and turned towards Beam, "You are sleeping on the couch. I can't explain mom if I make you sleep at the guest room. So, you better behave.".

            Beam nodded fast while Kit glared at his brother looking tomato red now.

           P'Kieng turned around and walked to the door, "I will know if you touch my brother", he warned Beam again and left the room.

            First thing Kit did as soon as his brother walked out was to run to the door and lock it. He huffed in annoyance while Beam chuckled amused.

            "I am sorry na..", Kit looked guilty.

            Beam shook his head softly and motioned Kit to come near with his hand. Kit came to Beam and hugged him.

           "Kitty..I am sorry baby", Beam said some time later.

            Kit pulled away from the hug and looked at Beam, "Why are you sorry?", he asked confused.

         Beam took a deep breath, "About Pin...I...I thought you were happy with her. I dint know..", Beam said sadly.

          Kit smiled and took Beam's hands in his, "Its all in the past Beam. Also it's not entirely your fault. I was wrong too. We both thought that our feelings would not be returned. You don't have to feel guilty about anything".

          Beam shook his head denying, "I should have known what you were going through", he paused, "it seems like I was not even a good friend to you back then. I was so full of myself like everyone says, right?".

          "That's not true. You were always there for me as a friend. You put up with everything I did. Not even Pha had that much patience with me. Don't say that Beamie", Kit replied trying to pull Beam out of his guilty conscience.

           Beam remained quite as Kit continued, "It would have been very easy for me to move on from you if you were that bad, don't you think?".

           "When was it? When did I hurt you the most?", Beam asked hesitantly.

           "Why do you want to know that? So you can be more careful around me?", Kit asked glaring.

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