Prologue : Unhappy beginning

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<Hi everyone, I hope you're doing good today ! Here's a little disclaimer because I do not want to have problems with Kishimoto : Naruto doesn't belong to me, nor do its characters, all the aforementioned belong to Masashi Kishimoto.
I do own all the original characters of this story.
Now that's done, I take no requests for Naruto's pairing but I'm open to all suggestions for the others ! Just write in the comments at the end.
Hope you'll enjoy !>

A beautiful woman was cradling an infant in her arms, trying to lull her to sleep despite the chaos outside. Her fiery red hair was dirtied with blood and she looked like she could pass out at any moment. Her husband came near, looking fondly at the baby.

" - It's time. I have to perform the sealing now...

- ... Alright."

She settled her daughter on the small crib which had clearly seen better days, and took one step away from the child.

" - Once the seal will be in place, I'll make a small pool of chakra connected to it so you can help her if it ever breaks. I'll also implement my own chakra so I can talk with her in the future.

- What about the village ?

- She's a hero, they should know about this.

- What ? No ! Minato, she'll become the Jinchūriki of the beast that ravaged the village, they will hate her ! They won't understand ! I've seen this all happen times and times ! Please Minato, don't do this...

- If you think she'll suffer, then we won't tell them... but she still was born on the day of this disaster, people will probably make her life much more complicated... - the Yondaime glanced to the side and saw the shinigami glaring at him - Ah, we're running out of time, the shinigami is getting impatient. Listen, I don't want you to feel guilty for this, ok ? It's not your fault.

- Understood. - the young mother turned to kiss her child on her forehead - Goodbye Suzu, take care of yourself. Mom and Dad will always love you !"

The shinigami cut the soul of the Kyūbi no Kitsune while he ate the one of the Yondaime. No living being remained in the clearing but the little girl who was crying as loud as her voice would allow her.

Soon enough, the Sandaime Hokage landed in the clearing and saw the corpse of his successor. He sighed and went to take the newborn.

" Sh, hush now little one. So your name is Suzuka, huh ? But your dad said it was your bijū name so I guess we should call you Naru. Uzumaki Naru... - the old man then gazed at the sky as he heard the pained and horrified screams resonating all around the village - If only you could have stayed... Tell me how to take care of your child, Minato, Kurama ".

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