Illegaly Inlove

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Mar'i was eighteen and Damian was a year older than her. They have been dating since they were fifteen but their relationship was not approved by both of their parents.

Their families don't really get along thus their relationship is illegal. It was something about business that caused there families relationship to become strained. They were both young when the drama started and they were both well awared that their families absolutely hate each other.

Way back then, about three years ago...

Over the years, they found themselves bumping into one another countless times. They apologize and go about their days, they were in the same school and shared some classes together. One particular day, a treacherous day called Valentines, they had a tradition in there school where potential couples are hand cuffed to each other for an hour or two.

Mar'i was walking casually down the school corridor when a certain Wayne was being pulled by bunch of school 'swats' (they were in charge of the 'valentine hand cuffed together' tradition around the school) and her friend Lian Harper was laughing with a redhead boy as they watched the scene.

Damian kept pulling his hands out of their grasp, but five student swats were pulling on him forcefully.

Eventually, they cuffed the both of them together.

Mar'i was petrified. She couldn't move as she felt the cold steel against her wrist as she holds unto her books with her un-cuffed hand. Damian tried to pick the lock but failed miserably.

You see, to get two people cuffed together, you have to pay. It was part of the school fund raising and the students of Gotham Academy don't hesitate to give their money just to see and tease their friends who are cuffed together with their crushes for a fair amount of time.

Damian shot a glare at the redhead, who was Colin Wilkes, but the boy continued to laugh with the dark haired girl next to him.

" Enjoy your few hours." the swat member saluted with a smile and walks away with his other swat members.

They both knew that their soon-to-be ex-best friends, planned and paid handsomely for this. Damian dragged his cuffed hand. "Ow." Mar'i shrieked which made him blush and chant 'sorries' and pulled her hand gently to the direction of the obnoxious laughters. Mar'i followed accordingly but when Lian and Colin saw them approaching, they immediately ran away while laughing.

" Good luck Bro!" Colin yells and pulled Lian's hand as they ran away from them.

Being hand cuffed together was the day they finally enjoyed the company of each other. They got to talking and eventually started dating in secret. Their friends were thrilled when they found out and gave each other a high five that they managed to pair up both of their friends, romantically.

*  *  *

Because of the family business drama, their parents absolutely denied their relationship. Of course, that didn't stop them from continuing their relationship. But Mar'i was mad that her parents does not accept the boy which she was over the moon in love with, she wished that they can love each other without anyone disapproving.

She layed in her bed lost in her thoughts, alone in her apartment. She raised her hand above her face and observed the gold ring she was wearing on her middle finger. It was bent to shape like a heart in the middle of the ring for design, her father gave that to her when she was little because she was jealous that her mom had a beautiful gold ring that was their wedding ring. She kept it all these years and felt a tight knot forming in her stomach, her relationship with her father is starting to crack like glass after she had started a relationship with one of the Grayson's top rival.

She jolted up as thought came to her. It definitely surprised her but she felt that it was the right thing to do. She smiled and changed into civilian as quickly as she imagined. Mar'i was definitely scared but she always dreamed something like this would happen, so she left her apartment along with her nervousness and excitement.

* * *

Damian was home alone when he finished yelling and screaming at his phone because an employee of Wayne Enterprises, didn't follow his instructions accordingly. He sighed and crashed to the sofa when a knock was heard.

He didn't want to acknowledge it but he felt like he had to, so growled and lazily walked to the door. He didn't want to talk to anyone after a stressing day at work, but when he saw his girlfriend infront, he didn't feel tired anymore.

" Mar'i-" he greeted but was cut off when she jumped at him and kissed him as hard as she can. He made a muffled noise as he was surprised by the gesture that Mar'i rarely does.

She pushed him inside careful not to break their kiss, she pushed him enough to kick the door closed behind them. He enjoyed the kiss but was absolutely confused of what she was trying to get out of him. Maybe it was nothing since they did started to say 'I love you' to each other a long time ago, this was kind of old but since it came from Mar'i, it was new.

Mar'i eventually pulled away and squeezed Damian's arms, she smiled a sincere smile and cupped his cheek with her other hand. " I love you." she spoke. "I love you so much Damian Wayne." she added making his whole body heat up. The words was not new but the thought of how sincere she was made his stomach flutter and his heart beat faster.

He smiled and Mar'i knelt down before him. He was confused but she held his hands and smiled as she stared at his face. He was perfect in her eyes and it didn't matter if her parents disapproved of him. She loved him with all her heart and though it hurt to know that your parents don't support your relationship, she wanted to be with him.

" Damian, I love you very much." she said. " Your more than enough for me, more than enough for me to say," she paused and gave a smirk, " fuck our parents." she announced, saying each word carefully and making Damian smile a little. He was both confused and proud of what she just said.

" Damian Wayne," she looked up into his eyes with all sincerity, " will you marry me?" she asked and Damian's eyes widen. He was happy of course but why was she the one doing this? He took this as the 'opportunity' and knelt down infront of her.

" Mar'i," he laughed and she doesn't looked pleased but she let him continue, " I take this as my opportunity." he took out a navy blue small box from his pocket and presented it infront of her. " Love, I was meaning to ask you to marry me," he opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, it's band was silver and the diamond inbetween had little detailed vine-like-strips of silver around it, holding the gem inplace. "but I guess you beat me to it." he smiled as a single tear rolled down Mar'i's cheek.

" Let me formally propose to the love of my life." he informed. " Mar'i Grayson, my beloved. We have been dating for almost three years now, three beautiful years. Our parents did not approve but we continued to disobey. But I don't care if my father says no to you, because I will always say yes." he took the ring out of it's box and held it out as he picked up Mar'i's hand. "My love, my most priced possession, you have stolen my heart and for the first time, I feel love. My most beautiful, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. I love you with all my heart, with that said," he squeezed her hand and watched as tears of joy streamed down her face and to the floor of his apartment. " will you marry me?"  he smiled and this time he was not nervous of proposing since she was the one that made the first move of proposing and he was confident that she would say 'yes'.

Mar'i laughed as more tears fell down and gave Damian the warmest of hugs. " Yes!" she exclaimed and kissed him with no hisitation. He was as happy as he'll ever be as he slips the expensive ring to her finger, he kissed her hand and whispered 'I love you', he gave her more kisses and whipped her wet cheeks.

" We're getting married!" she yelled exitedly. He smiled and kissed her once more.

They were getting married without the approval of their parents, but do they care? No. Not really. They cared for each other dearly and that's all that mattered to them.


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