Sketch book

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Mar'i was walking down the Wayne Manor halls. She bit the corner of her bottom lip and hugged her waist nervously. She found herself standing infront of Damian's bedroom door. She was debating to herself, whether she should go in or not.

Her hand reached forward. Her warm palms hit the cold steel of the door knob. She shivered as she felt the freezing temperature of the knob, she was hesitating to turn it and step inside.

Mar'i slowly twisted the old golden knob. As the door creaked open, she peeked inside to see that the room was unoccupied. Perfect. She thought to herself as she cracked a mischievous smile. She hasn't done anything like this before. She admitted to herself that this was kind-of fun.

She stepped inside and slowly closed the door, careful not make a creaking sound. A click echoed quietly through out the room, letting her know that the door is completely closed.

Then, her search begun.

She furiously and desperately looked for something, she was careful not to misplace or move any furniture. Damian is the son of the greatest detective, she was nervous that he would find out that she was in his room. And he will. But she was smart.

She opened his wooden closet with an angry expression, but it quickly softened when she saw all of Damian's clothes. It was neatly folded and stacked up to each other perfectly. She stared at it in total admiration.

She smiled to herself, 'Oh my X'hal. I'm in my ultra super duper crush's room!'  she thought as her smile grew. 'This are his clothes and they smell nice. Pull yourself together Mar'i. You have a mission.'

She didn't move any of the clothing in the closet because she found nothing that she needs.

The only messy part of Damian's room was his bed. It was obviously left unmade when he woke up this morning. So, Mar'i didn't hesitate to jump on it and smell his pillows. As weird as it sounds, which it does, she was satisfied.

She buried her face in his pillow and inhaled every living soul of it. The pillow smelled like freshly washed linen with a hint of icy-mint shampoo, that is what Damian hair smelled like anyway.

She was busy fantasising lying in bed with him, hugging his pillow and just full on crushing on this guy. She forgot her top purpose in Damian's room and just rolled back and forth in his bed while hugging his pillow endlessly.

She was too busy, that she didn't hear the door creak open.

" What the hell."

Mar'i jolted up in a sitting position and threw the pillow against the headboard of the bed. Her face was so red, she looked like a living tomato, her heart was jumping up and down like a gorilla trying to escape a metal cage, but the cage was her ribs and her heart was ready to break free out of her body. She was so surprised to see Damian in the doorway, that her soul left her body.

" Why the fuck are you in my room, Grayson?" he angrily demanded, and that did not help with the pace of her heartbeat.

" I-i was..." she paused and looked around the room for something that might help her escape this hell. "I was looking for something." she awkwardly smiled at him, and he only glared.

" What could you possibly have to look for in my room?" he asked her and she started to panic.

" S-something!" she yelled, wanting to reply to him as fast as she can. " Ah! There it is!" she turned and looked at his bed, scooping literall air with her fingers.

" You little...object, always slipping out of my grasp huh? HA HA HA!" she laughed awkwardly, putting the speck of dirt that she took from his bed, in her pocket and headed for the exit. Damian was blocking the half portion of the door, so Mar'i had to turn and slide when she saw that he refused to move. "Well, I best be going!" she said, but before she can run away to her room and cry about her embarrassing experience, Damian grabbed her wrist.

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