Shards of memories

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OKAY! This is  the longest one so far! This is the first chapter in Mar'i's point of view and I'm in love with this chapter. If it has errors, it might just be me being too lazy to even see the misspellings and missing words, I'd like to say sorry, this chapter is like really long! (in my own opinion)

Anywayzzz... Carry on!

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(Mar'i's POV)

I stare out of the window. Counting the stars that I am able to see. I imagined heroes jumping on the rooftops and saving the day. I smile to my myself.

It became my hobby to stare into the night, and for some reasons, it was familiar. Like a dream that kept repeating itself. Is there a purpose for this?

I felt like feeling the cold breeze, so I walked out my room. First thing I see when I step out, is the couch facing the flat-screen T.V in the middle of the room, and next to that is the kitchen, then on the other side was a glass, sliding door that leads out to the balcony.

That's where I need to be.

I walk further and step out. It was cold, but I didn't mind. I rest my arms on the slightly damped metal railing. The balcony of my apartment wasn't the biggest, but I loved it anyway, reason why I chose this apartment and was exited to move in.

Just when I turned eighteen, I moved out of my parents house. I love my parents of course, but I wanted to be independent and responsible for my own well being.

My parents are Superheroes, I would see them in the news and sometimes my dad would pass my apartment and wave. I guess that's why I always look out of my window, but it didn't seem right.

Being a Superhero sounds like a lot of work. I mean I'm focusing on school and my job as a model, I don't think I can balance all it being a Hero. I can be a Hero though, I mean, I have powers that I got from my mom, but I don't know why we both have them. Superhero-ing is also familiar to me. Like I said, it's like a dream.

I hear someone land behind me. I quickly turn around and saw a caped Hero.

He was wearing a black cape but the inside was yellow. His cape -for some reasons- had a hood and it was over his head. I can see his green mask over his eye. He looked at me like he knows me. I gotta admit, he looks, familiar.

" Mar'i," he called. His voice was deep and a little husky. He sounded so serious though. "Come with me." he added. He knows my name. But how?

" W-why?" I meekly asked.

" You're in danger," he informed. I felt nervous all of the sudden. I'm in danger? From who? "You have to come with me." I don't know what was happening but I nodded anyway.

He pulled me into his arm and shot his grappling hook somewhere up. There it is again. The way he held me, it's like he knew for a very long time now. I don't know how I can tell, but his grip on me felt very familiar. I keep using the word 'familiar', but all of this felt like it.

He pulled his hook and we started to shoot to the sky. We landed on a rooftop and he let me go. He started looking for something in his belt.

" Y-you're Robin, right?" I asked. He paused, like I said something wrong. Am I not suppose to know that he's Robin? He turn to face me. His hood was hanging down his face, which made it hard to see his facial features.

" Yes." he replied. He continued to fish around his belt for something. "You're parents are fighting the people who wants to take you away. They asked me to keep you safe."

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