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This is inspired by The Hunchback of Notre Dame, because Esméralda is a pretty good looking Mar'i, don't you agree? And because an idea popped up when I was watching the movie. Carry on...

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The man, cladded with a dark cowl, listened to the chiming bells of the tambourine as the young boy hit his palm against it to make music. He happily banged on the instrument as a beautiful woman moved her hips to the rhythm of the music.

The man observed her. She wore a colorful dress that looked quite like fabrics stacked against each other. It wasn't the prettiest dress he ever witnessed, but that didn't matter because her features were commendable.

Tanned skin, dark hair, has an adoring smile, and bright, mesmerizing emerald eyes.

He leaned against the wall of a building, hiding himself from the open using the shadows of the alley way.

Everyone ignored the young woman and the boy who kept performing to get money. He made a move and left his hiding spot. He past by the street performers and dropped silvers and a few gold coins into the hat that laid infront of them.

The boy with jet black hair and green eyes, stopped playing the tambourine and counted the money in excitement. The woman knelt down and saw how much the man gave. It was ridiculously plenty to give to a bunch of street performers.

" Sir!" she called. The man who wore a black cloak stopped at the woman's voice. " Sir, this is too much." she ran after him with bare feet. She stopped infront of him and grabbed a handful of coins that worth so much more at that time. " I know this is our method of getting money and you're awfully generous, but me and my brother can't accept this much money from you, sir." she held up her hand that was filled with coins, some of them falling back to the hat.

He looked at her stone-faced, processing what to say to the young woman infront of him. He surely did not need the money, because despite his low-grade attire, he was absolutely and incredibly wealthy even at the age of nineteen. He held his hand up as to refuse her offer to take back ninety percent of the money and said, "I am a man who commits to what I do. I gave you the money and I have no intentions of taking it back." he assured.

" But I-i can't possibly-"

" You are very talented, mademoiselle," he pulled his hood lower to his face. " you deserve the money." he added before passing her and leaving.

She stood there holding the hat filled with golds and silvers. She wished she could've seen his face so that one day she could repay his generosity. But, he's face was too vague to be seen clearly, his hood casted shadows which made his identity very mysterious.

" Mar'i!" her little brother called, his tambourine was tied up to his waist and it rattle at every step he took. " Can we please buy something to eat?" he pleaded, pulling onto her sister's skirt.

" You're hungry already? We just ate." she smirked.

" Yeah, like last week!" he threw his hands to the air and wiggled them.

" You're over exaggerating, Jake."

" Can we just please get food." the little green eyed boy pouted.

" Alright, but we need to save money."

" You promised no more oatmeal this time!" he complained further more.

" We need to save, Jake." Mar'i gave a sharp look at her brother as a sign of being serious.

" Okay." he drew the syllable out, long and lastingly. Jake was tired of oatmeal, but he's older sister is the boss and in charge of the money even if their everyday meal was only meant for breakfast.

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