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No. This is not the sequel of Assassin  if you're wondering. Carry on...

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(Damian's POV)

I woke up with Mar'i beside me. She was completely bare with only tin sheets covering her bottom half. She was laying on her stomach and hugging the pillow where her head is rested. I lift myself up with my elbows so I can see the digital clock sitting on the nightstand next to her side of the bed.

10:37 pm. Shit.

I fish around from under the bed for my shirt and when I felt it, I grabbed it and slid it on over my head. I got distracted from our last night's...occurrences, that I didn't have time to brush my teeth. I leave the bed and went straight for the bathroom.

After I was done with personal hygiene, I stepped out and saw Mar'i sleeping comfortably. I frowned at the thought that she could possibly catch a cold if she remains unclothed. I took one of my shirts out of the closet and decided to put it on her. I went with my shirt because it is big enough to cover her body and because it was less irritating to put on an unconscious person.

I struggled to put it on her because, let's face the fact, she's asleep. And because she was completely unclad. I have seen her naked before but still, it was distracting. I lay her down once I finished clothing her, I went back to lay next to her. I slept on my back and according to Mar'i, a 'vampire way of sleeping' and that she thinks it's unnerving.

She shifted in her sleep and rolled over to me. I watched as she rests her hand over my stomach and I roll over to face her, embracing her warm half naked body. The memory of our shared moonlight was still present and played vividly in my head, making my face heat up. I rest my chin on her head and rubbed patterns on the small of her back as her grip on my body gets tighter. I assumed she was awake.

" Damian," she whispered, tiredness present in her voice. I hummed in response. " Did we use protection?" my eyes gaped. I remember clearly that we have not.

" Damian?" she started to panic with my sudden silence. " Did we?" her voice was calm but she still demanded for answers. I stayed quiet refusing to inform her that we were too caught up in the moment to even use protection.

" I regret to inform you-"

" Oh great X'hal." she panicked, refusing to let me finish my sentence. She didn't look tired anymore, she absolutely looks frantic.

She pulled away from me and started pacing back and fort as she mumbled curses. " Are you sure? Sure that we didn't really use protection?" she asked, pulling back her hair.

" Beloved, I do believe we did not." she was panicking so I decided that I would be the one who is calm. But deep down, I am definitely panicking.

After she started to hyperventilate, I made her sit down. " It's fine. It's fine. Ma-maybe there's a high percent chance that we're not going to have a baby. Right?" she asked as she tried to calm herself down.

" Maybe. Taking a test would be preferable." I suggested. She sighed and nodded. " Mar'i dear heart, we should sleep, shall we?" she gave me a small smile and gently layed on the bed. I lie next to her and held her in an embrace. " We shall deal with this tomorrow."

I was still thinking about the whole incident. What if she is pregnant? I'm not ready to be a father! What if I'm a terrible father?! I couldn't sleep with those thoughts hunting me and I know I should get some rest because I have work tomorrow. Oh God. I'm seventeen!  I thought and I probably woke Mar'i up because my grip on her got tighter. Grayson is going to kill me!  I panicked. What were we thinking! Ugh! Stupid commercial that played on the T.V when we had the idea of getting undressed!  I was really starting to panic.

" Um, Damian?" Mar'i spoke which startled me. " Are you okay? Your kinda...holding onto me a little too tight." I let my arms around her go loose and my face heats up the slightest bit. " What's wrong?" now Mar'i took the position of the 'calm one' and I, the 'anxious about the situation one'. I sigh.

" I'm seventeen." I started.

" And I'm sixteen." she mocked which didn't please me. " Whatcha thinking about?" she added when she noticed the look I gave her.

" What if I'm a terrible father?" I worriedly asked and she cupped my cheeks.

" X'hal, Damian, you won't. You're going to be great." she assured and I rested my forehead against hers. "Just, not now you know. We're not ready to be parents." she added and I smiled at her. God. She's really adorable.

" Of course." I replied. " But if life gave us a child, I promise, I'll never ever  leave you." I vowed and she arched her neck and caught my lips in a kiss.

" I know you wont."

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