Locked Gaze

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This is inspired by an episode of The amazing world of Gumball : The singing. Mister Brown sung a song to Lucy and the lyrics kind-of inspired me (not the body covered with hair thing tho). Carry on...

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Damian muttered to himself on how badly he wanted to leave the stupid Wayne event. He judged people in the party based on their attitude and attires. No one actually came up to him because he was scowling at literally everything, that scared the businessmen.

His father, Bruce Wayne, is the emcee for today's event. The party was mainly for people who wish to participate in his charity. Businessmen partook in the charity, hoping that Bruce himself, would hire them to his ever-so-growing company.

Damian was forced to attend by his father. He needed to attend because he was the heir to Wayne Enterprises and his father would want him to see how important these events are for the business. He didn't have any problems with becoming the next CEO, infact he is more than fit for the job, he had problems with the employees being unable to do simple tasks.

Luckily, his friend Colin Wilkes was there to keep him company. They talked about the whole 'being the Wayne heir' and other things. Though, it irks Damian that his friend only knew how to talk about women, he listened.

Colin has dated a ton of girls even before he stepped the age of eighteen. Meanwhile, the nineteen year old Wayne, has no experienced in the game of love. He was forced a bunch of times to date, but he didn't like any of the girls he sees, either they are too ugly or too pretty. His taste in women are pretty confusing. He complained that the girl wore too red of a lipstick, or the girl's hair is too blonde, or her nose is too wide, or even the girl walks like bitch.

Colin didn't bother him to date as he predicted that Damian would probably not marry anyone at all.

The night was getting late and the event had just started. The crowd was getting too thick for Damian, so he moved to the corner and just observed the party.

There were a lot of guests and his eyes just saw one person.

She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was as dark as the night sky, her skin was tan and glew at the light above her. Even from afar, he can tell that she had bright emerald eyes. She wore a red dress which made her beauty even more arresting. He doesn't have the right to judge her, she was beautiful. Breathtaking even.

His eyes widen the sight of her, and his mouth slightly opened. His eyes were superglued to the girl in the middle of the crowd. He noticed that men were gathered around her, she smiled warmly at the audience. People were greeting her and giving her all sorts of compliments.

" Dude, close your mouth. There's like a thousand flies around." Colin said to him. " Seriously why are there flies here? I thought this was a fancy party." he whispered as he waves his hands infront of his face when a fly passed by.

Damian couldn't hear his red-haired friend, he was too distracted by the beautiful, mysterious young woman. His friend, of course, noticed his lack of attention towards him, as he talks about another girl he had met yesterday. He started at him, his face printed with confusion and followed the directions of the young man's sight.

Realization immediately flushed down his brain. He grinned at his friend's unmistakable attention towards the ebony haired girl.

" Who is that?" Damian managed to say, still unable to remove his gaze from the girl.

" You don't know her?" Colin asked. Damian turned to give his friend a stern look. " She's famous you know." he added as Damian turned his full attention back towards the same girl.

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