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Saturday mornings is always good, especially for students. The thought of waking up late and won't have to worry about rushing down to your pants and try to catch the school bus. Everyone likes saturdays, but not when your moving to a different house in a different neighborhood. Movers parked their truck infront of an unoccupied house and started to move things inside.

Mar'i Grayson, a thirteen year old girl, rode her bike around the neighborhood and finally decided to head home. The view of her house seemed to be blocked by a big truck and people came out of it carrying boxes and furniture. Obviously, her family is getting new neighbors. She pushed her bike to the garage and quietly observed the movers.

A car then stopped in front. She thought to herself that these may be the people moving in. A big tall man walked out, he had black hair and blue eyes. Then a woman came out next, she looks beautiful and she immediately approached them to say 'hi'.

" Hi. Are you guys moving in? I'm Mar'i Grayson." she started offering her hand for a shake.

" Hi- Ah yes! You must be our new neighbors. I'm Selina Wayne and this is my husband, Bruce." she greeted and gave her a genuine smile. She returned and smile and peeped inside the car as she noticed more people inside, but before she can make up their faces, a little girl hugged her tightly.

" Ah-! H-hi there." She said, surprised.

" My name is Helena. What's yours?" the little girl asked, eager to know her name.

" My name is Mar'i-"

" Oh! Your very pretty! My brother will like you!" Helena exclaimed as Mar'i blushed obviously.

" Helena, stop teasing." Bruce scolded and gave Mar'i an apology smile. Helena then pulled away from Mar'i and held her hand.

" Would you like to try the cookies that I made?" she asked and gave a wide but cute smile. Mar'i smiled. She liked Helena's excitement. She nodded and smiled at her. " Wooh! You have a very pretty smile!" she beamed and shook her hand playfully.

" Thank you. You also have a pretty smile." Mar'i complimented. Helena squeaked, ran around the car and opened the door.

" Brother! Do you see her? Do you see her? She's pretty isn't she?" Helena chirped and Mar'i simply blushed.

" Sorry. She's just excited because her brother isn't really the kind of teenager to like a some girl." Selina said.

" Or any girl for that matter." Bruce chimed in. "Anyway, we're going to help with the boxes. Nice meeting you Mar'i." he kindly added.

She averted her gaze back to the car where it looks like Helena is forcing someone out.

" Helena! Stop it-!" a male voice said coming from the car.

" Come on! You gotta meet her!" Helena debated. She eventually pulled the guy out of the car revealing a handsome lad.

Mar'i's eyes locked in place. Her mouth slightly opened as she examined his facial features. Black silky hair, slightly tanned skin, defined jaws and lastly, hypnotizing deep green eyes. She stood there as he annoyingly pulled his hand out of his half-sister's grasp.

He looked up and his frustrated expression softened. Helena was right. She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair was black like the night sky and was neatly pulled back by a pastel purple headband. Her skin, tanned gold and her cheeks slightly blushed. Her eyes bright and green and you can surely lose yourself by simply looking at it. His heart ached and started to beat faster. His face started to heat up as well as his stomach.

They were locked in each other's eyes that they didn't realize that the young Wayne pulled them closer. They soon realized for their faces was way too close. They stepped back in surprise and red made its way to their faces.

" See! I told you she's pretty." Helena exclaimed and they turned to her after looking into each other for far too long. " Brother don't be rude. Introduce yourself." she added, making him blush even harder.

" I-um... I-I'm Damian." he stuttered as Helena clung to his leg.

" Isn't my brother handsome?" she beamed and looked up to Mar'i. Damian blushed even more and was about to protest but he was immediately cut off.

" Oh um--" Mar'i started to get flustered and caught herself in an awkward situation.

" Helena!" Damian whisper-shouted. " I'm sorry. My sister is just...excited. Ignore her." he added and Helena simply pouted.

" Oh it's okay. I think she's cute."

" How about my brother? Is he not 'cute'?" Helena asked and started to get upset for his brother. Mar'i didn't want to make her cry, so she answered Helena's awkward question. Honestly. She knelt down so that the little girl was her eye level and cupped her cheek.

" Uh, o-oh no. Don't cry. I think your brother is cute too." she hadn't realized what she had just said until Helena let out a wide smile. She blushed and refused to stand up or even look at the Wayne heir.

Damian's eyes widen in surprise. His face was completely red and so was Mar'i's. They both stayed like that and didn't move an inch as Helena yelled " I knew it!" at their tomato faces.




Hi! Sorry I been updating slowly. I don't really have a date set for updates and I don't think I'll have one anytime sooner, but I will alarm you if I have one.

Thanks for 200+ reads! It means a lot! Hope you're enjoying the short stories so far! Don't forget to vote and comment, I would really appreciate that. Kbye.


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