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This is a sequel to 'Hurry back' and was suggested by Abby_moreno123456789 !!! Thank you a bunch for suggesting this! I appreciate your support and everybody else's! You  too can suggest, just comment or message me and I'll happily consider it :)) Welp, carry on...

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" -then she broke up with me." Colin informed Damian who was very unamused. " Eh, she wasn't that good anyway. Say, you should come with me to club, maybe you can finally find yourself a girlfriend."

" Not interested." Damian said, organizing his desk. "Are you good at something that doesn't involve women?" he rolled his eyes as he stacked the files on top of his laptop, it was his little reminder that he had to work on those files later.

" Your making me sound like shit." Colin complained.

" Because you are shit."

" How rude!" Colin knew that Damian wasn't serious so his voice was dripping with sarcasm. " Didn't your mother teach about manners?" he continued to joke.

" No she didn't. She taught me a lot including making other people suffer." Damian uttered in a bored tone and an expressionless face.

" I was hoping you wouldn't bring that up."

" But I did."

Colin rolled his eyes and fell back to Damian's bed. He stared at the ceiling and listened to his friend's rummaging, he looked around the Boy Wonder's boring room. It didn't have a lot of furniture, just a bed, two nightstands, one lamp on top of a nightstand, a closet, a desk, a fireplace, a shelf with a lot of books and a few weapons on the wall as 'decorations'.

He locked his gaze on the lamp as the fire crackled and the shadows didn't dare to stay put but moved as the fire did so. Then he looked at the other nighstand where a piece of paper laid.

Colin sat up and took the photo. It was picture of a girl with dark hair, dolce colored skin and green eyes. She was smiling at the camera and her hand was raised to her face, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

" Who's this?" Colin asked Damian.

" Who's what?" the redhead walked over to the embony haired boy and gave him the picture. Damian's expression remained the same but his grip on the photo got tighter.

" Is she your ex?"

" What?! No!"

" Then, who is she?" Colin was eager to know why his friend kept a photo of a girl. Very rare, or maybe, not even possible.

" Her name is Mar'i."

Colin stared at Damian as he watched the picture like he was waiting for it to move.

" Where is she now?" the boy with blue eyes asked.

" Off world." was all Damian said before shoving the photo in his pocket and walked out of his room.

The redhead teenager watched Damian shut the door behind him and he walked towards the desk and took the young Wayne's computer with a big grin on his face.

*  *  *

Damian wasn't sure where he's going. He just walked around the Manor until he stumbled upon a balcony.

The light from the bright moon entered from the doorway and stretched forward until it was too far and faded to darkness. The cool air of January gently blew his hair as he blinked slowly, like he was about to faint.

He carefully raised his bare feet and stepped forward. He walked further until his feet felt the freezing temperature of the balcony floor, but he didn't show any signs of being bothered.

Damian rested his calloused palms against the flat surface of the concrete barrier. He looked up to the moon and remembered Mar'i Grayson leaving and flying away. He shut his eyes and let all the memories play in his mind.

He has been waiting for five years, and slowly it became unbearable. He even had the thought that she might not ever come back, or maybe she was unsafe or hurt. He worried everyday and he hated the fact that he had no idea what's happening to Mar'i's life. It was very difficult to communicate to off world-ers.

A sound of someone clearing their throat came from behind, which made him turned his head, assuming that it was just someone from their household.

But it was not someone from their household, it was someone he had been waiting for. The love of his life who he truly missed, Mar'i Grayson.

" Hi." she greeted with a smile and watched his frozen body.

After she spoke, he did not waste a second and swept her off her feet as he promised he would. Damian held Mar'i as he spun them around and finally setting her down.

" Hi." he replied, putting all his attention towards her.

She giggled, noticing that over the years they have been apart, he has gotten taller than her. She stood on her toes and closed the gap between him and her.

Damian Wayne never felt this much joy in so long. He cupped her cheeks and brought her even closer that she already was. The passion and the emotion of both happiness and relief all summed up to that kiss.

It was satisfying for the both of them. Not too long and not too short.

When they finally pulled away, Damian wiped the tears that trickled down her cheek with his thumbs. He kissed her forehead and smiled sincerely at her.

" I missed you, so much." he said.

" I missed you too." she smiled.

They hugged each other for the first time in forever. They didn't let go until,

" Hey Damian, what's the password of your laptop. I wanna watch a-" Colin paused and stared at the couple that pulled apart and watched him. "-movie." he finished but then after, stayed silent.

" Colin this is Mar'i." Damian gleefully introduced.

" Nice to meet you Colin." Mar'i smiled and offered her hand for him to shake. " I'm Damian's significant other." she added still waiting for him to returned her gesture.

" Holy crap."

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I'm so sorry that I didn't update sooner! I know there's no excuse but our router is -for some reasons- broken and our connection is very shaky and it disappears when I have to do something useful. I have no idea when our connection will be stable but I hope it's sooner.

Also thank you so much for 3k+ reads! I have something special to thank you all and I have been working on it for two weeks. It'll be next chapter mah dudes.


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