Cat talk

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" Please, Damian." Mar'i pleaded, reaching a pet cage forward with a small kitten inside. " For me?" she gave him her the best puppy-doll eyes she could pull off. It always worked with her dad and hoped it would work on Damian.

His eyes widened at Mar'i's adorable expression, he tried so hard to fight the urge but the cracked. He let out an annoyed sigh and dropped his arms to his side from it's crossed position over his chest.

" Fine."

Mar'i grinned from ear to ear and mentally squealed in pure joy that Damian accepted to cat-sit her new ginger kitten she called Harlow. She came to him and asked if he could watch her cat while she's off to her mission at the other side of the globe. He denied so many times but she kept persisting because he was only person she knew that had an amazing connection with animals.

She also didn't want leave her new pet at her apartment because she wasn't sure if the landlady even allowed pets in the building, and because she's going to be gone for a few days.

" Don't kill  him. Please." she firmly said, her face was so serious, serious about her beloved pet's health.

" I'll try." he said jokingly, but Mar'i didn't get the hint because he was really bad at jokes.

" Damian." she said his name like she was threatening him.

" Jesus, Mar'i, I won't." he rolled his eyes and took the cat and it's bag of needs, such as: food, toys, and other important cat needs.

She smiled like a child and bid her fury friend goodbye. He shut the door and wondered what he's gonna do with the living animal in his apartment. He let the little cat out and it started roaming around.

" I guess your my responsibility now, cat." he said. "You're a bit too big for a kitten." he added, examining the orange cat that was sitting infront of him, with it's tail curled and laid over his tiny paws.

His eyes widened the slightest bit when he saw how cute his little paws are, then it returned into a scowl. " Don't think I like you now," he walked over to the kitchen counter, where the cat-bag was sitting on. He started searching for something that will help entertain the kitten in his apartment. " I only did it because this Mar'i we're talking about."

He pulled out a white string that had colorful feathers attached to the end and on the other end, it was tied up to a stick. He rolled his eyes and just went with it. " I mean if your Mar'i's cat then you would know that she's extremely affectionate and... persuasive." he shrunk when he said the last word, like he was cringing a little bit and even blushed.

He turned to look at the cat he was watching for Mar'i, he still sat on the same spot as before. Damian approached him and started waving the toy around, wanting to play with the orange kitten but instead, he laid on Damian's lap.

He pursed his lips and just let the kitten take a nap right in the middle of his crossed legs. " What am I gonna do to you?" he asked, knowing that he won't get an answer at all. " Why am I even doing this? Why did I agree on doing this?"

He started petting the orange feline as it sleeps in a ball position. " Maybe I just did it because I have feelings for Mar'i." he said. " To be honest, I would never do this to anyone, but somehow I did it for her."

The cat purred softly and he smiled, unnoticeable but true. " Do you think it's stupid? Stupid to be in love with a girl I basically grew up with?" he asked, feeling the soft fur against his palm.

The cat started to wake up, it quickly stood up and sat infront of him. It started meowing as he tilted his head and gave a confused look.

" You're hungry?" he asked as he assumed the kitten's behavior to be asking for food. "Well then," he carefully stood up from the floor, using his thigh to hold onto as he fully stood up and walked to the kitchen, reaching for the same bag earlier.

He found the can of cat food deep inside the black duffle bag. He reached for the can and used it's pull-tab to open it and once the can was open, the smell of cat food immediately escaped the metal container and circulated his apartment which made the cat meow louder.

Mar'i did provide a small bowl where the food is supposed to be put in. As the kitten ate, Damian watched curiously.

" Does this satisfy your hunger?" he smiled but his eyes were half closed, like he's eyes were bored or some such. He sighed annoyingly, " I hadn't realized that I have been talking to a cat." he complained, scowling and wiping off the smile on his face.

" I should really stop calling you cat." he muttered. He tried so hard to remember the feline's name but he couldn't. " What did Mar'i call you again?" he reached forward to look at the cat's colar.

He examined the colar, looking for the pet's name tag, but instead, he found something else. His face dropped when he realized what it was. He was frozen in place and his heart skipped a beat.

In the cat's colar, was a little camera meant to monitor your pet's whereabouts and location. He realized that his little speech earlier about his true feelings about Mar'i Grayson, was directly recorded to Mar'i's phone and she would eventually see it.

Turns out that Mar'i was so excited to have her own cat and bought an expensive gadget to keep her most precious pet, safe. Damian suddenly regretted everything. Regretted ever accepting to cat-sit her pet, and regretted ever talking to the cat in the first place. He was petrified. He will surely die in awkwardness when Mar'i returns from her trip.

Aw, fuck.

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