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- So, I recently watched Toy Story 4 (I know, I'm  late) and I absolutely loved it! This chapter is kind of inspired by the movie, just a little bit. -

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(Damian's POV)

The League of Assassins. A barbaric and powerful society. I grew up trained by master Assassins all over the world to come to my grandfather's standards. I was a bastard. Grew up not knowing who my father was. My mother had kept him a secret from me, until one day...

I met him. He was Batman. I was stunned, but my loyalty to the League made me forget about him. I always wondered what my life would be if I had chosen to live under my father's roof, live under his care, under his rules. But I simply brushed off those thoughts, for I am the heir of my grandfather's ever so expanding empire.

Pleasing my grandfather was all I deem about. I train non-stop with my crony, Colin Wilkes. We grew up together as a part of the league and he was one of the top Assassins, along with myself.

*  *  *

I was concentrating in my archery when my mother entered the room. I was blind folded so I can only hear her footsteps. There seemed to be two separate footsteps and I can only guess that was my grandfather.

" Mistress Talia," Colin greeted. " Who might this be?"

I got a little distracted, but I do not take the peice of cloth that is covering my eyesight. I still continued to shoot out arrows at the target I was forcing on.

" Why, this is an Assassin in training." my mother introduced. I shot an arrow clumsily. I am sure that did not please my mother, but I was surprised that my mother is introducing a new member. She does not do that unless the person did a good first impression.

I took off my blindfold and looked at their direction. My eyesight were blury because I was blinded for a extensive amount of time. My eyes started to clear it's vision. I saw Wilkes, his back is facing me and looking at the guest, My mother was standing next to, a girl. She looked trained and she was wearing a leather skintight jumpsuit like my mother's. Her ebony hair draped down to her shoulder and shined with the light up the ceiling, her facial features were surprisingly attractive, especially her eyes. She had green emerald eyes that looked quite fierce but also hypnotizing.

" Her training goes on by being my son's personal assistant." mother announces. I was not pleased. Yes she was attractive but I don't need a beautiful girl following my every orders.

" I don't think that is necessry mother. I am capable of getting my own needs." I protest.

" Nonsense, my love. She is a very good fighter for her age and she will provide you her impressive services." Colin sneakered at the last sentence, my mother notice and immediately rephrased her sentence. " I meant, when in comes to following orders of course. There aren't a lot of teenagers in the league so I decided to partner her with you two."

I really don't need an assistant let alone have this amateur follow me and Wilkes around.

*  *  *

Turns out she was not an amateur. She was surprisingly skilled and my mother was right, she was a very good fighter for her age, she was a teenager like us.

She did not mention her name yet and I do not bother to ask.

" Hey! What's your name?" Colin yelled as the girl did parkour with me. She stopped and balanced herself immediately and it was very impressive.

" Mar'iand'r."

" That's a peculiar name." Colin commented.

" It is the only thing I remember. Mistress Talia found me in the desert and I did not hesitate to attack. I collapsed after being in the desert for days without food or beverages and any memories at all." she informed. " I do not know anything about myself, but Mistress Talia brought me in and trained me for these past three months. She told me to use my skill at it's fullest and serve the League of Assassins." she added.

" You were here for three months already?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

" Yes. I have met you before, but you were unconscious."

We stayed quite for a while until I decided to go back to my parkour training. " So Mar'iand'r-"

" Please. Call me Mar'i."

*  *  *

For years that Mar'i has been part of the League, she was rewarded the title 'top Assassin'  Like me and Colin. I grew to like her in a way that I could not expect I'll ever feel for anyone. I was very happy when she shared the same feelings as I did for her. We have been together for while now and my mother arranged us to be married when we come of age.

My mother is fond of her very much. She was thrilled when I announced that I am sharing a relationship with her and she accepted Mar'i to be her future daughter-in-law. Mar'i was surprised when mother spoke to her about providing me heirs, but I immediately stoped her because we were only seventeen. My grandfather blessed our relationship. Very unexpected, but he liked Mar'i's loyal services to the League and I was as happy as I can ever be.

The woman I am proud to say that I am inlove with is accepted and approved by my mother and my grandfather. I do not know how I ended up so inlove with Mar'i, but I do know when it happened.

We were brutally attacked one night but we were far too skilled to be defeated. We won but Mar'i was shot. She kissed me before she breathed goodbye. But this was not the end of my beloved. She was resurrected by the Lazarus Pit that is proudly owned by the League. Once her life was snatched back from death, I confessed that I love her and gave her a kiss that I will never forget.

*  *  *

The night had came and Mar'i and I layed on my bed as we slept comfortably. Suddenly, I was awoken with Mar'i jolting up to a sitting position. She was breathing uncontrollably and tears fell down her cheeks.

" What is wrong, my love?" I asked as I held her hands. She was cold and I assumed she didn't have a pleasant dream.

" I-i had a dream," she started, struggling to release the words as she chocked on her tears. But I listened patiently for her to continue. " there was a man. The man was my father. He died before my eyes. It-it's all coming back to me I--!" she cried more and more and I catched her in an embrace.

" Shh," I comforted. " it's okay my love, you can rest now."

She nodded and we went back to bed. She was shivering in fear and I held her closer and whispered assurances to her ear. We fell asleep.

The next day. She was gone. She was no where to be found in Infinity Island.

...To be continued?

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