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Lunch began, and the students of Gotham high all made their way to the cafeteria.

Damian, being an introvert and an anti-social, looked around looking for one person. Colin. His only friend.

He was no where to be found so Damian went outside because he didn't want to look like an idiot just standing in the middle of the cafeteria. He took his phone and started dialing Colin.

" Where are you? " Damian whisper-shouted.

" I'm at my basketball tournament. Didn't I tell you?" Colin answered a little hurt in his tone that Damian forgot about his first important tournament.

" Well obviously, I forgot. " Damian explained.

" Where am I supposed to eat? " He added.

" I don't, know. Look, dude, consider this punishment for not attending my tournament."

" -tt- I told you I was busy, plus basketball is so boring to watch. " Damian said, rolling his eyes.

" Whatever. Gotta go. Bye." Colin said ending the call.

Damian sighed. He looked around and thought of the stair-like benches overviewing the field. That could work.

He worked his way to the field holding a Shakespeare book on his right hand.

He sat at the very top of the benches and pulled out his lunch. Just a simple p.b and j sandwich. He opened his book and continued to where he left off.

He bit into his lunch and noticed figures on the corner of his eye. He turned to it and saw four girls. Three of them looked like the heathers from the musical show 'heathers'. They seem to be arguing with the girl holding her books against her chest. She wore a purple sweater that was tucked in her high-waist, black pencil skirt. Her long black hair was neatly pushed back by a pastel purple headband.

Damian squint to see better. It was her. The girl he had been eyeing on. Mar'i Grayson.

Suddenly, the redhead girl pushed Mar'i to the ground which made her drop her books.

Damian was surprised and he wanted to defend her, but he also didn't wanna get involved. So, he looked back at his book and took another bite into his sandwich.

He couldn't help but look up to the direction of the girls. The redhead raised her arms and slapped Mar'i. She looked to the ground and cupped her cheek. They continued to yell at her and pulled her hair. That was it. Damian left his things and started walking towards the girls.

" You B*tch! You think you have the right to mess with my boyfriend?! " the redhead said with complete anger in her tone.

" I've told you, we were partnered for a project!" Mar'i said lifting her head to look at the redhead.

She then got annoyed that Mar'i spoke back, so she raised her arms, preparing to hit her again.

" Is there a problem here?" Damian asked as the girls paused to look at him.

" And who are you suppose to be? " the redhead asked, clearly mad that he had interrupted.

The blonde girl then whispered to her ear saying "that's Damian Wayne." which caused her eyes to widen.

" Oh! I'm so sorry Damian Wayne. " the redhead apologized with a flirty tone. Damian did not like how she pronounced his name.

He scowled in reply.

" I'm Charlotte. " the redhead introduced herself.

" Aren't I a lucky one? Talking to the son of the richest man in Gotham- "

" I saw you hitting this girl." he pointed to Mar'i.
"Is there a problem? " he furrowed his eyebrows and glared at Charlotte.

" Oh. Well she's a rag. Rags like her are deserving to be hit, but it's none of your concern." she said as she turned to Damian.

" You know, I've been falling behind my school work due to traveling a lot. I've been needing a tutor. The teacher recommended you." Charlotte said being flirty again. "Maybe even afterwards we can get... Comfortable." she added, smirking at Damian.

" Don't you have a boyfriend? " Mar'i said cutting in.

" You don't get to talk Grayson! " she yelled. Mar'i scowled at her.

" So Damian, does Saturday sound good--"

" Sorry. I'm not interested in helping people like you." Damian said cutting her sentence off.

Charlotte growled, glared daggers at Mar'i, (which made Mar'i roll her eyes) and stomped away with the other two girls following her.

Damian then offered his hand to Mar'i. She looked at his hand and up to his eyes. Couple of seconds of them looking at each other's eyes. Mar'i snapped and grabbed Damian's hand, assisting her to stand.

" T-thank you. " Mar'i said, stuttering.

Damian knelt down, grabbed her books and handed them to her. She took them and stared at his eyes. They were deep and mysterious but charming at the same time. Pink started to bloom in her face.

" No big deal. " he said, and he turns away.

Mar'i grabbed him by the wrists as he turns his gaze back to her. He slightly blushed.

" Thank you, really. " she said as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. " Mar'i Grayson. " she added, introducing herself.

" Damian--"

" Damiam Wayne, I know. Your kind of a big deal in school." she said pushing back a lock of hair behind her ear. " I appreciate that a guy like you showed a soft side towards others." she looked up to him and smiled.

She had a pretty smile, simple cause of Damian's attention towards her. He would often see her in the library studying or reading a book. One of the reasons why he goes to the library, that is to watch the girl that often sits on the table across his, and smile at her priceless facial expressions when she locks her focus on a book that she's reading. Guess you could say that he has a slight crush on this girl, but he won't admit it. After that, he learned that her name was Mar'i, because he kept asking Colin about her.

Colin knew that he had a crush on this girl, but he didn't bother asking Damian about his feelings towards this golden tanned girl, because he knew he would simply deny it. Denial.  According to Damian 'he's just simply taking interest in this girl that's never absent in the library.'

He watched as she waved goodbye and walked towards the school exit. Guess she was going home.

A hand was then placed on Damian's shoulder which caused him to turn in surprise. It was his father. Bruce Wayne.

" Wow. I guess you're human after all. " he said smirking at Damian.

" -TT- "

" So. Who is she? " He asked, looking at the direction of where the girl left off.

" Mar'i. "

" Ooh, pretty name. Did you know I dated someone named Mary too?" he said putting his arms around Damian.

" No. May I ask why you are here?" he said with scowl on.

" School's out for the afternoon as annouced at the parents meeting, so I'm picking you up. "

Damian grabbed his things and they walked towards the car. Damian had to shut his father up everytime because he kept bringing up the pretty girl he saw Damian was talking to.

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