Assassin : part 2

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(Damian's POV)

My room is as quiet as it is. It should be. It has been over a year since the love of my life disappeared. I must admit that I have been falling apart, my heart is left broken after that one last night with Mar'i. We never found her.

I killed the men that failed to find her and all at once, I was losing hope. My mother pushed me off my depression and reminded me that I had a grandfather to please. I stood tall, but deep down, the sadness still devoured my whole well-being.

My mother warned me about this, warned me not to get too attached to her because I would never be prepared for the pain and sorrows of losing a loved one. Losing my Mar'i.

The wall seemed to get darker and darker each day I enter my chamber. It's disturbing that sometimes I would hear the echoes of her laughter and see her silhouette shifting back and forth in my bed.

No one can replace Mar'i.

No one.

" Mourning again, my son?" my mother spoke behind me. I turn and see her standing in the shadows of my room.

" I wasn't."

She didn't seem convinced because she only stared at me for some time. She walked forward to reveal her never aging face, wearing her black jumpsuit. I assumed she just arrived from another assassination. Her heals clicked at every step she took, she walked pass me and stopped a few steps away from me as I face my back on her.

" Prove you have stopped mourning for your dear beloved," she challenged, she brushed her long fingers nails along my shoulders and traced a line as they stopped at the crook of my neck. She leaned in and whispered, " go to Gotham, and kill this man."

She handed me a picture of a middle aged man. His head is bald with useless strips of hair combed to the side of his head and back. He had a fleshy face and thick eyebrows. He looked easy, so I accepted the job.

*  *  *

I was perched on a building overviewing the coffee shop that the slender man owned. It was still daylight so I decided to go in and observe for now.

The door annoyingly rang to signal that a new customer has entered. The place was barely filled and I faught the urge to scowl. I hate that I am being forced to wear civilian clothing and watch my target go about his day.

I huffed as I sat at one of the tables, the plant behind me poked the back of my neck when a woman came up to me. Ah, the waitress. I was still looking down as I rubbed my neck and cursed everyone and everything.

" How may I help you sir?" the woman asked, her voice catching my attention because of how soft and, familiar it was.

I slowly lift my head up, my eyes making it's way to the hem of her blouse, I counted the buttons of her uniform and my gaze slowly stopped at her name tag. I squinted for the letters were written too small.


I read. My head quickly moved up. Her note pad covering the bottom half of her face, scribbling down at the stacked paper with her pink pen, she paused. The black haired woman -probably around the age of eighteen- moved the note pad aside.


I froze. Her eyes widen and her mouth gaped as she covered them with her hands, dropping everything she held and the clacking of the pen hitting the ground and bouncing a few times, echoed through out the premises. Then, it was silence.

Just us looking at each other.

I stood up and hugged her as tight as I could, never wanting to let her go. Her arms wrapped around my waist and we didn't care if people were staring.

" Why did you leave?" I whispered in her thick, black hair.

" I-i don't know." she replied, her voice sounded like she was holding in a sob. " I'm sorry I left. I'm so sorry."

We held each other for satisfying amount of time before actually pulling away from each other. Her eyes continuesly letting tears flow down her cheeks, as I wipe them away with my thumbs. When we got enough, we sat down on the table and just talked.

" I thought I could find my family that I somehow remember. It was blury and I just never found them." she frowned and dropped her head down to look at the table.

I reached forward and held both of her hands. I gave them a reassuring squeeze. " We'll find them."

I honestly didn't know where to look, nor did she, but I was determined to succeed, it's for her after all. I love her, yes, I truly do and I was the happiest I can be when I found her. I finally did.

•  •  •

Hi hi! I know, I know, I'm a terrible person for just now writing the part two and for doing a shitty job.
Let me explain...
I was planning to make a separate book about this story, and I made the part one as a test if readers are actually interested in it (that's also the reason why it has a lot of time skips.) but no one was interested so I decided to leave at that but one of my readers asked for the part two or sequel, so I just made this short one.
I am busy with my second book and busy procrastinating. (heh.) Hope you understand and thank you for sticking by :))
Also! I haven't got the chance to thank you all for 2k reads/views! It's awesome and I appreciate it!


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