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" Emily."

Mar'i held her hand up and traced patterns in the air. She was laying on top of Damian and he was holding her tightly. Her other hand was holding the blankets that covered there naked selves. Damian hummed against her ear and kissed her temple.

" That is what you want to name a baby girl?" he questioned as he was satisfied of there loving position. She hummed in response, lowered her hand and caressed her boyfriend's cheek.

" What about you?" she shifted a little and found an even more comfortable spot in Damian's arms. "Any future baby names?"

" Benjamin." he answered quite quickly, like he already thought of it.

" Benjamin? That's a cute name." she smiled.

" I like it because it sounds innocent and sophisticated." he informed.

" Well I like it." she commented. " It sounds smart."

*  *  *

It had been a week since their last talk about their futures together. They grew to be very comfortable talking about marriage and family and it was a very nice thing, especially to Mar'i.

Damian was sitting on the couch of his apartment, waiting for his girlfriend to show. He was patient and calmly listened to the ticking time, Mar'i was on patrol that day.

Two hours go by and he started to question why she was running late. She's never late, especially to their little get togethers. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed her phone number.

It rang in his ear and he exhaled slowly.

*Beep beep*

" Hey, it's Mar'i. I'm not here right now so leave a message after the beep. Beeeep.

She laughed after her short message and the phone beeped in Damian's ear.

" Hey, Mare. You're a little late. Is something wrong? Please inform me if there is." he put his phone down and sat back on the couch.

He sighed in frustration, so he took his phone yet again and dialed Mar'i's apartment building. It rang and after a while--

" Hey, it's Mar'i. I'm not here right now, but you can call Damian's house. I'm probably there."

It beeped again and he failed to contact his girlfriend. He started to worry. It's not like this never happened before, but it was completely rare and this is Mar'i we're talking about.

He wondered where could she possibly be and maybe her patrol took longer than expected. It was odd since her patrol schedule's never too late, never too early.

Then, a knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts.

Damian thought it was Mar'i, but when he opened it, it was none other than Dick Grayson. He looked like he just woke up from crying all night. He looked terrible.

" Grayson." Damian raised his eyebrow. " Is something wrong?" he added. Dick shook his head and slowly looked at him. He gave him a somber look.

" It's Mar'i." he regretted to inform him. " Sh-she was k-killed." he stuttered and his eyes became watery.

Damian almost fell to the ground but the knob of the door kept him from doing so. His eye sight became blury and his mind kept repeating the word 'no'. He walked to the couch, limping as he did so and crashed down to his gray sit.

Dick came inside to somehow comfort his daughter's boyfriend. He just lost his little girl and he might lose his little brother figure if he doesn't act out.

" Damian," he stepped inside.

" Get out." Damian mumbled but he was sure that he heard.

" You need to-"

" GET OUT!" he yelled, furious and depressed at the same time.

Dick stepped out and closed the door behind him. He knew Damian would act this way. It was an inevitability of loosing his only love.

As he prepared himself to leave the building, he heard Damian Wayne cry, for the very first time.

•  •  •

Sad. I know! But I felt like writing something like this for a while now. Sorry it was a little short.


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