Wedding (part 1)

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Hello to my lovely readers! Lil'dom here to inform you that these two-part chapter is the endgame of Demonfire: Shorts! Sadly, I really have to mark this book complete but I will have a sequel for this book, but! it won't be out until I finish writing Demonfire: Who are you's first wave.

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The smell of freshly brewed coffee was in Mar'i's nose mixed with the sweet smell of cakes and pastries. A perfect place to sit down and talk to her mother who she patiently waited for. She had already ordered a cup of coffee and a slice of strawberry mousse cake, she grinned because she knew that no little gremlin is going to steal her desert today.

Mar'i loved sweets so much and her husband-to-be knows it very much so. Cakes, chocolates, jam, she always had those and it kept coming more often ever since she and Damian started dating, and he would always- ALWAYS bring sweets when he arrives from work.

But when the couple found out that they had a bun cooking in the oven at the age of nineteen and twenty, she always ran out of sweet treats and barely had any for herself. But, on the bright side, her two favorite boys are sweet enough to give her cavities that not even candies can give her.

She smiled to herself but frowned once more. She hated leaving Benjamin alone, yes he was very behaved -really, he was- but leaving Ben alone with his grandpa Bruce? Yeah. Their son is going to be a spoiled little brat at the end of the day.

She was in deep thought, over thinking the possibility that the son they raised to be a thrifty boy is possibly gone now, that she didn't notice the sound of a chair sliding against the floor.

"Mar'i my love." she darted her head up to the calm and soothing sound of Koriand'r Grayson's voice. "Thinking about a certain bumgorf ?" she laughed lightly as a smile stretched across Mar'i's face when her mother fully seated herself on the chair infront of her.

"Mom! It's really good to see you." she said with satisfaction. "And yes. I am thinking about Ben. I'm just worried that Bruce might spoil him, you know how me and Damian don't want him to spend money just because we have some." she reasoned with a frown, sipping on her still hot coffee.

"A lot is the correct way to describe your fiancee's wealth, Starshine." Kory laughed. "Besides what are you worried about? Ben already knows how to manage money even at the age of three! That boy is very smart even for his young age."

"He is. It sometimes scares me that he prefers to read first graders' math books that the ugly duckling." the dark haired woman unnecessarily stirred her coffee, literally she just wanted to fidget on something.

"Math books is better than that... unforgiving children's book." Kory grimaced at the recollection of the anecdote about a duckling. "Honestly, is that the knowledge they want children to absorb? That you need the appearance in order to belong? How absurd!" she exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"Mom, calm down. Besides, we came here to talk not to complain about some..." Mar'i waved her hand around as if she'll magically make the next word appear before her. "...children's book." she finished and received a sigh of agreement from Kory.

"You are right." she folded her hands infront of her, pondering over what she would ask out of all the questions she wanted answers to. It had been a while since she and her daughter were able to sit down and talk. With the wedding nearly in a week, they were very busy. "How do you feel about becoming a Wayne in just days from now, my love?"

It was clear that Mar'i is very happy about the thought of starting a new chapter with Damian. Yes, they did jumped over a huge fence and skipped a step and had their little three year old, Benjamin Wayne. But it was also a big relief they didn't decide to get married because they had a kid, but really waited for the right time, and three years later, Damian popped the question.

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