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Harry's pov.

Today is my birthday, the sucky part is that it's also Charles.

Charles is my twin.....we are nothing alike.

Although, I am nothing like mom and dad either.....the only thing that makes me like them is my looks.

I think I might just be paranoid, but I'm thinking about getting a blood test at Gringotts.

I know what your thinking 'Harry, you parents love you! So what if your adopted'

I will always love my family, but what if I have siblings that don't know about me? What if I have aunt and uncles? What about god parents?

Anyway it's about six in the morning, which is normal for me

just another thing that makes me different from the rest of my family

Creeping down to the kitchen so I don't wake the others, I see Kreacher

Kreacher is actually a really nice house elf, you just have to see past his obvious hate of muggles and muggle-born

"Good morning, Kreacher" I say sitting at the island

he turns around frowning until he see's me "Happy birthday, Master Harry. Would you like some waffles"

I love waffles "Yes, thank you. Could you make some for the rest of the family"

"Whatever Master Harry wishes on his special day" Kreacher tells setting out on his task

about ten minutes after mom comes down the stairs

"Morning mom" I chirp

mom is also a morning person, but she doesn't get up as early

she smiles sitting down next to me "Happy birthday, Harry"

after spotting Kreacher working she looks at me confused "What is Kreacher doing?"

I laugh "He's making Char's and my favorite, Waffles"

she stares at me for a moment "I don't know how you do what you do"

"Me either" James yawns from the bottom of the stairs "Happy birthday, superman"

I smile "Morning, dad"

Remus comes down reading a book

"What your reading, uncle Moony" I ask

Uncle Remus is a werewolf! Isn't that awesome! He doesn't think it's quite as awesome as Char and I do

"He's probably reading something about Defense Against the Dark Arts again" Uncle Padfoot jokes

"Happy birthday, little bear" the both say

When Kreacher says the waffles are done. I decide it's time to wake Char.

sneaking up to his room I jump on him while he sleeps

this causes him to scream when he wakes up, then he falls off the bed

"Bloody hell, Har" Char grumbles "why do you have to wake me up like that every time"

I just smile at him "Come on, the waffle's are done"

he smiles "waffle's"

we race down stairs

"I win" Charles yells

now were all sitting at the table

"Later today, the Weasley's and Neville are coming over" Mom says

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