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After like thirty minutes of us arguing and Dumbledore's phoenix bursting into flames the man himself finally comes in

"Professor, your bird burst into flames! There was nothing I could do!" Charles exclaims

I chuckle

"About time, he's been looking dreadful for days" Dumbledore says

this is why I can't bring myself to fully hate Dumbledore

I laugh while saying "He's a phoenix, they burst into flames to be born again from the ash"

"To bed you two had to see him on a burning day, fascinating creatures" Dumbledore says

I look at him "a phoenix can carry immensely heavy loads and their tears have healing powers"

"Correct ten points to Slytherin" Dumbledore awards

Hagrid comes stomping in

"It wasen' Charles, Professor" he claims "I was talking to him a minute ago, he didn't have time. Sir, I'll say it to the Ministry"

Dumbledore twinkles his old eyes "Hagrid, I don't think it was him"

"Oh, I'll go wait outside then" Hagrid says

"You don't?" Charles questions

"no" he confirms turning to me "I would love to know why you are here"

I sigh "McGonagall and her grudge against me"

"You were running when you got to where Justin was petrified" Charles snaps

I roll my eyes "I was talking to the Baron on the third floor when I remembered I had detention with professor Snape. As you know professor Dumbledore, the fastest way to the dungeons is through the hall where the Hufflepuff was petrified. I am now late to my detention"

Dumbledore's eyes start twinkling "You better go; tell professor Snape you were with me"

I nod "thank you, sir"

when I get to Severus office I knock

"Come in" he says with the your in trouble voice

when I walk in he says "your late"

I purse my lips "Dumbledore told me to tell you that I was with him. Is that why your mad at me?"

he sulks "I feel like your avoiding me"

I smile "that's why your in a bad moon? You think I'm avoiding you? I have to stop my self from skipping class to come see you! I would never avoid you! Tell you what I'll spend the night"

he smiles at me through blurry eyes


For weeks everyone thought Charles opened the chamber

Blade, Draco, Sirius, and Severus had to stop me from declaring myself as the opener

I have spend almost all my free time with Severus

he's getting clingy. I love it; knowing he's mine.

the morning of Christmas I stayed in Severus room again

Mason wakes me up by slithering on my chest

"Wake up!!! The potion is done, their planning on using it tonight. Can I please stay with you"

I nod as I'm getting dressed

I grab some parchment to write a note

Dear Severus,
I have to go talk to the other Slytherin's. I'll see you later today. I love you.
Hadrian Riddle

I notice that Mason is peeved about something as we walk out the door

"What's wrong with you" I asks

"Myrtle is a slag. She's all like you shouldn't be here and this is a girls bathroom. She is always crying! Please tell me that I never have to go back" Mason rambles

With a smile I tell "You will never have to go back"

he falls asleep on my shoulders pretty quickly

once I get into my years dormitory I scream "GOOD MORNING AND MERRY CHRISTMAS"

Mason jumps from around my neck "Merlin, you red eyed wanker. You scared the shite out of me."

"Uggg, it's too early" Crabbe grumbles

"How did you get passed Salazar so early" Goyle asks

Draco groans "He was with Severus; he's a heavy sleeper"

"Why are you so happy" Blade asks coming out of the bathroom fully clothed

"They finished the Polyjuice potion" I yell

Sirius walks in the room with only boxers on "Stop yelling I'm trying to sleep"

I roll my eyes "You all have an hour to get your arse's in the common room, and if your not in there by the hour I'm sending Mason in"

Okay, Now its time to see if this shadow jumping really works

murmuring the incantation I turn into black dust and wind up in the girls dormitory's

Walking towards Daphanee's bed I say "Wake up, wake up, wake up"

she jumps up and slaps me

I just hold my face as she actually wakes up "I'm sorry Hadrian; you scared me. How did you get up here?"

"It was magic I learned from a book in the Slytherin vault. Could you wake Pansy and be down in an hour" I ask

I walk towards the stairs mumbling in "Girls! Fucking hit me! I'm so glad I don't see girls like that!"

"I feel you, she almost hit me. You life is so freaking dramatic" Mason agrees

then I start sliding

I forgot those stairs do that

within the hour everyone is down here

too bad; I wanted to send Mason up there

I gave everyone a present

I gave Blade a dark charms book, Draco an advanced potions book, Sirius a broom kit, Daphanee some perfume that cost way to much in my opinion, Pansy a unknotting brush, Crabbe candy, Goyle candy, and finally I got Mason a new bed

in return I received two dark art books, two advanced potions books, a parseltongue book from the Zabini library, and a broom kit

"Can we go back to bed" Sirius yawns

Chucking I reply with "No! They finished the Polyjuice potion. We all know that the two idiots are going after Crabbe and Goyle. Meanwhile the mudblood is going to go after Pansy."

"How do you know she's gonna pick me and not Daphanee" Pansy asks


I chuckle lowly "Calm down Mason; all in do time." I smile darkly at Pansy "Pansy, when I say this I'm not trying to be....a wanker. Let's think between you and Daphanee you are the idiot"

Pansy snaps her mouth shut as Daphanee laughs

I look around "Anyone else going to question me"


"Alright then, Pansy, Granger is going to put a full body bind on you. Daphanee will of course be right behind you with another set of robes. Crabbe and Goyle, if you see floating cakes eat them; Blaise has the anti-aging potion. Sirius will also have new robes for you both. Draco your role is two show the Gryffindorks to the commons, and don't be suspicious about it. I will of course be here for their idiotic questions"

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