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a toad like lady hem, hems

"The chair recognizes Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister" Fudge announces

"I'm sure I must have heard you wrong, Mr. Riddle" the toad lady says "It sounds like you thought the Ministry of Magic had ordered the attack on this boy"

I have to hold myself from curling my lip in discust

I walk around a little to hold peoples ears before answering "Madam Undersecretary, It would not be right of me to confirm or deny what you think I have accused. I do offer a solution, if the Ministry would look, on the night of July 23rd, in the files if there was dementors missing from their stations"

"Mr. Riddle that is a great idea" Fudge announces

yes because I gave you a way to seem like the good guy you wanker

Percy Weasley goes to look coming back disgruntled

"Minister Fudge there were two dementors missing on the night in question" Weasel confirms

hook line and sinker

"There you have it Lords and Lady's. I can not tell you if someone sent those dementors to Little Winging, but Charles Freemont Potter did that magic in self defense"

Umbridge looks pissed

the chit

I continue breathing in "In the decree of Underage Magic it clearly states that a young wizard or witch may use magic of underage to save their life. In fact every time our young boy-who-lived comes in contact with a dementor it tries to kiss him"

"Laws can be changed" Fudge threatens

"Yes they can Minister Fudge as I have helped my uncle on many occasions read over laws. As of right now that is the law, and if you would please lower your voice"

I could see many Lord and Lady's holding off a chuckle

"Those in favor of clearing all charges" Bones asks

everyone but Umbridge and Fudge raise their hand

"All in favor of conviction"

the two idiots raise their hand

"Very well cleared of all charges" Fudge says banging his gavel

I grab Charles and get out of the Ministry fast

James and Lily join us as soon as we step out of the Ministry

"How did it go" Lily asks

"Hadrian had them eating out of his hand by the end" Charles brags

"If there wasn't a war ahead I feel like I might have wanted to go into the department of magical law enforcement or maybe open my owner law agency" I revel "I must get back to the manor before father wakes"

"Come eat breakfast with us" Charles exclaims

"Okay" I answer

we go to the Leaky Cauldron

"What's the dark lord like" Charles asks

I sigh "the exact opposite of James"

"Strict? Dad's laid back" Charles asks

"My father only excepts the best" I tell "He made me his second; safe to say it's been a very long month"

"He made you his second?" James asks

"Yes as well as giving me lessons on the dark arts and dueling. After today this will be our last friendly meeting" I inform

"Why" Lily ask

I clench my jaw "Father wants me to kill Charles. When it comes time for Charles to kill father he will have to kill me too"

"How do you know Charles will kill your father?" James asks

"Dad told me about the prophecy" I tell getting up I look at Charles "Goodbye Char"

tears run down Charles face "You don't have to go to him; stay with me"

I turn around and walk away


I got the letter that I'm quidditch captain and prefect

that was to be expected I suppose

Severus is gone doing something

I find dad, Barty, and Thomas in the sitting room

"What is it?" Thomas asks

I don't really come out of my room unless it's with Severus or father needs something

"I've been made prefect and quidditch captain" I yawn

"Your shagging our head of house and you have Flint wrapped around your finger" Thomas sneers getting up and leaving

"Someone's jealous. Barty where is Neville?" I echo

Neville comes walking in "Dad, George is being a jerk again" then he stops and turns to me "I'm assuming you go prefect and quidditch captain"

"How did you know?" I ask

he rolls his eyes "Your shagging our head of house, you have Dumbledick thinking your a model student, and Flint loves you"

I shrug "At least your not jelly like Thomas. Did Pansy get prefect?"

"No, Daphanee did" Neville did

Father sighs "congratulations son; I was prefect in my day"

I look over "When was that again? 1920?"

he looks amused "I'm not that old"

I huff "I'll figure it out"

"You better not let quidditch get in the way of your duty" he warns

"Of course not dad" I say

Thomas comes back in the room "Dad can I invite Daphanee over?"

"I don't know can you?" Dad asks

Thomas sigh "May I invite Daphanee over?"

"What for" Father asks

"To see if their mates" I tease

"Sure" dad sighs

he runs out of the room


"YOU DIDN'T" He yells back

Father gets up with Barty "the meeting starts in ten minutes"

I arrive late so I have Severus sit on my lap

"Now that my son has finally showed up any news?" Father asks

"Charles Potter got off, and there was a rumor that Hadrian Riddle was the one to get him off" uncle Lucius informs

Dad looks over "How did Hadrian manage that?"

I hate it when he talks about me like I'm not in the room

"Amelia Bones said that he twisted Fudge's words. She also said that if he wanted he could be an excellent lawyer" uncle says

Dad grunts

guess that's not going to happen "Severus"

"The order is prepared to kill both you and Hadrian" Severus says

"Why us both?" the dark lord questions

"Hadrian is your heir and that makes him as bad as you. They want to make sure it stopped"

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