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it was the day of Buckbeak's execution

I brought Thomas and Draco with Blade and I to see the execution

we're behind the rocks watching

that's when I see the golden idiots go under the whomping willow

I turn towards Blade "I have something to do, after the execution make sure these two get back to the common room"

I go down there and when Peter shows himself I step out of the shadow's wand pointed "All four of you idiots need to go to the castle"

"No! I want to kill him" Charles exclaims

I roll my eyes "are you sure you have what it takes to watch the light leave someone's eyes"

Charles doesn't say anything but drops his wand "Let's go"

they leave

"Peter, Peter, Peter" I chant

"Who are you?" he asks

really the red eyes didn't tip you off

"I'm Hadrian Riddle, your lord until my father makes his come back" I introduce

he gulps

"Peter, my father is out there. It would pay to find him, do what he says. He's a smart mad who will know what to do. Send me letter's on his progress" I instruct "You will take the hippogriff outside he is all black with killing curse green eyes; he is expecting you. His name is Storm treat him with the upmost respect"

walking in I think I walk in on a staff meeting

I look around "Headmaster, I apologize for interrupting. I thought you would like to no Peter will no longer be an issue"

"You killed him?" McGonagall questions

my eyes slightly glaze over as I look at her "It's none of you concern" then I take my leave


I get my first letter on the last day of school

My lord,
I have found your father. He has a plan of action. Barty Crouch Jr. is here too. Your father was very pleased when I told him you sent me.
Peter Pettigrew

I sat down to write my reply

Dear Peter,
Tell father that I am thrilled to meet him! If he needs anything do it. I have to ask you not to write me until August 1st the day after the Malfoy's pick me up.
Hadrian Riddle

that's when I go to the hall to what for the Potter's

I see Thomas, Charles, and Harry already there

I walk over and sneer at Thomas

"I'm sorry" he mutters

"Still in trouble for the dementor incident?" Harry asks "That was quite stupid, but what can we except from Thomas"

James and Lily walk in

"We could let Thomas choose" Lily suggests

"No" James and I both snap

Lily looks between us "You know you two act a lot a like it's kind of scary"

"How about Harry decides?" Charles asks

Unsurprisingly Harry picks professor Flitwick; it's his favorite professor and class

as we were walking Charles tells them "Hadrian and Thomas got one of Hagrid hippogriffs killed"

I roll my eyes "I did no such thing. I actually like hippogriffs. All I did was inform uncle Lucius that Thomas was being an idiot and got attacked by one"

"Hadrian let Peter Pettigrew escape" Harry tells

I look over "I had to have someone look for my father"

we walk to the charms classroom where I find Blade sitting in one of the desk waiting for his parents to get done talking to professor Flitwick.

"Hey" I say sitting down

"hello" he replys "is Lord Potter mad at Thomas?"

I smirk "Yes, I'll see you next year"

he walks out with his parents

that's when we all go up to professor Flitwick

"There are a lot of you" Flitwick gulps

I snicker "not as many as the Weasleys yet anyway"

"If mom keeps adopting people we will be there in no time" Charles grumbles

"Hadrian got his standard O as did Harry. Thomas and Charles both got EE's. It was a vast improvement for Charles" Flitwick says

The next professor Harry picks is Binn's again unsurprisingly

"Hadrian and Harry both got O's in History and Ancient Runes"

I look over at Harry "We have all the same classes?"

Harry huffs "Sometimes I swear you are as daff as Thomas. We were partnered for like three projects"

"Charles got an EE while Thomas got an A"

we walk out turning to Harry

"I don't care where we go as long as professor Snape is last" Harry says

"is that so Hadrian and him can snog before we leave?" Charles chuckles

I feel myself blush "We don't do that"

Charles laughs "Are you sure? There were a few detentions I could have swore if I wasn't present you would have started snogging"

James who looks sick drags us out the Hagrid's hut

I made Thomas stay outside for his safety

"Charles got an O he's a bright lad good with creatures. Harry got an O as well. Hadrian got an EE. Thomas got an A" he sneered the last two

that's when Lily takes us to Divination to see the nut because Charles thought it was a great idea to take divination

I decided to not go up in that tower I don't want a contact high

"You poccess the inner eye" Harry mocks as they come down the stairs

that's when we go to Transfiguration

I was not looking forward t o this

"To my displeasure Hadrian got an O while the rest got EE's" McGonagall says

that's when I sprint to Severus classroom that's when I make him sit on my lap

"Your embarrassing me Hades" He cries as they walk in

I shrug "your mine"

James looks amused while Lily looks likes she's holding back her fangirl. The other three were use to this

"the younger Potter got an O he obviously got that from Lily because the older Potter got an A. Thomas got an EE. Hadrian will get his owl scores at the Malfoy's" Severus explains

"I'm out of here before they start talking to each other" Thomas states

Harry puts his hand up "I read somewhere that if you have a younger dominant the year before the dominant turns 15 is hell for both party's. The submissive gets snappy and pushy while the dominant gets aggressive and territorial"

they all finally leave giving us some alone time

I look over at him "that sounds lovely! I'm not having a birthday party but I still want you to come over. We should probably read on what is going to happen. Lastly, I love you"

he blushes and mutters "I love you"

Right before we actually leave Nev walks up to me "My 'gran' is sending me to a muggle boot camp in Stover, Missouri the states"

I smile "Excellent Nev, that is where I'm going"

he sighs in relief "See you there"

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