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"100 points to Slytherin for standing up for other's" Dumbledore says

I turn towards Sev

he's still ignoring me


that Monday professor Lupin is back

"Thank Merlin your back" I say walking it the class

"I thought professor Snape was your favorite" Remus says

"Snape has been ignoring Hadrian since the first day you were gone" Charles laughs


"He stood up for you" Dean Thomas says

"Did you really? Thank you!" Remus says

"He said we have to write two feet of parchments" Weasley cries

"He took points from Slytherin" Draco inputs

"You guys do not have to do it" Remus tells us

I laugh "I wasn't going to do it anyway. What was he going to do? Take points? Give me another detention? Ignore me more?"

after class Charles and I end up staying after class

"I heard about your broom Charles. Is there no chance in fixing it"

"No sir" Charles answers

"I'm sure James has already got you a new one" I tease

"Why do the dementors affect me like they do" Charles asks

"You have seen horrors, Charles."

Remus nods


its another Hogsmeade weekend

I don't have Severus to keep my 'friends' from dragging me there

After being dragged everywhere by them we are not at the Three Broomsticks

"Can I go back yet" I pout

the teachers walk in including Severus

"You just want to come up with another scheme to get Sevvy to talk to you" Thomas teases

I see Severus smirk

"Shut up you bloody wanker! Now he knows I miss him" I whisper yell

"Just apologize" Blade sighs

"I already did. How many times do I have to apologize" I ask

"I don't know. I know father always tells me that the dominant is always wrong" Draco inputs

I look at him "That makes no sense"

Minister Fudge walks in and walks up the stairs with McGonagall and Rosmerta

I twist my ring, so I could follow

"what brings your here minister?" Rosmerta asks

"Peter Pettigrew" he says

they talk about a lot until

"Lots of people go over to the dark side. I would have never thought little Peter would. He followed Potter, Black, and Lupin all the time" Rosmerta echo's

"It isn't the worst" Fudge says

"The worst?" McGonagall "Worse than murdering all those people"

"Peter Pettigrew was Harry Potter's god father" Fudge reveals

I had to get out of there before I started laughing

"What did you hear" Blade asks

"nothing that is important" I mutter


the morning that I got the letter from uncle Lucius telling me Buckbeak was dead happened to be the same day we had class

"Uncle Lucius told me that there was going to be a trial" I tell them

"Shut up Hadrian" Charles snaps

"You better keep that trap shut before we let Pettigrew kill you" Thomas states

"My father will no doubt get that bird executed" Draco boasts

over the holiday's Severus made Charles and I stay here to serve detention

I at least have Neville

Of course Granger and Weasley stayed

The morning of Christmas I sneak into the Gryffindor common room to jump on Charles

he looks angry so I run down to the main common room

"I'm glad I'm not the only one stuck here" I say sitting down by Neville "Hey, Neville"

Charles stomps down here sitting down

"Why is he here" Weasley asks

"I invited him" Neville says "We're friends"

"No one should be alone at Christmas Ron" Granger states

Charles opens his presents first

he gets a sweater from the Weasleys, a firebolt from James and Lily, Candy from Ron, dental floss from Granger which I thought was funny

Neville went next, he's two minutes younger then me but three minutes older then Charles

he got a devil's snare plant from the lady he calls his gran, and I got him a rare book on plants

I only have one present

"Isn't that a muggle scrapbook?" Granger asks

"No but it does come from that idea. It's an idea from the states; Thomas more than likely gave them the idea. You take a picture with a wizarding camera, put it in the scrapbook, and you push the button sending you into the memory" I explain

"Can we see?" Neville asks

I flip through finding on with the Weasley twins "Hold on to me"

I push the button sending us into the memory

It's of me throwing a stink bomb at the Weasley twins across the hall

they end up tackling me with another bomb to shove in my face

that's when we are swept out

"Fred and George are two of my favorite people" I comment

they all look at my like I have four heads

"You like my brothers?" Weasley asks

I raise an eyebrow "just because I figured out that I'm not a Potter doesn't mean I prank any less."

"Your the one that keeps pranking the twins? I thought you are the perfect child" Charles chokes

I roll my eyes "Who did you think it was? Another thing, did Fred and George give you the Maurders map?"

"You know?" Granger questions

"I suggested it" I state

"Why are you so close to my brothers?" Weasel asks

"Haven't you noticed their barely around? They spend more time in the Slytherin common room then anywhere." I tell

that and the Fred and George aren't Weasley's

they found out their not

after getting Charles to stay in the common room I make my way towards Sev's room


I am loving this book
Although I can't decide if I'm going to make Hadrian go completely dark or go light at the end. He's obviously gray; it's just the shade of gray I want.

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