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I found out Quirrell is trying to kill Charles, something new to worry about

I got Severus to referee the game, making Sev look like he wants them to loose

Draco, Blade, and I have been listening on their practice

there all dumb

after listening in on their practice we go to the Library

I saw Neville

"You need to show them all your a true Slytherin" Fire tells me

"Fire" I whisper "Are you helping me or helping yourself"

he bites my ear gently

"Fine" I hiss

I go up to him "Longbottom" I call

Draco and Blade join in around them

"What are you reading" Blade asks

"Probably something about plants" Draco sneers

"Go away" Neville says

fuck just stick with it

"I don't like your tone" I snap and put on a smirk "I've been reading this book"

"What book" Blade asks

"A book on curses, it has a couple I've been wanting to try" I tell them

"Well, go on then" Draco says

this is it

I can't go back from this

I raise my wand and cast the curse

Charles pov.

After telling Ron and Hermoine that Snape is referring when Neville comes bouncing in

"What happend" Hermoine asks

"Hadrian was in the library. He said he's been wanting to try this on someone. Why would he do that to me?" Neville cries

"Go to Professor McGonagall" Hermoine urges "Report him"

"He has no proof" I say "Plus everyone thinks he's this model student"

"Stand up to him, Neville" Ron claims "He's use to walking all over people, no reason to lie in front of him and make it easier"

I smack Ron on the back of the head

giving Neville a chocolate frog I say "Your worth twelve of Hadrian. The sorting hat put you in Gryffindor, where is Hadrian in stinking Slytherin"

Neville looks down "His mom tortured my parents, he knows it. Every time he looks at me it's with a smirk. Thank you Charles, I think I'll go to bed. Here, I heard you collect" he hands me the chocolate frog card

Hadrian's Pov.

when Draco, Blade, and I are in the great hall Dean Thomas comes up to me

"They found out what it is, You'll leave me alone now" he says

I smirk "of course, get lost now"

Severus and I have been spending a lot of time together now, he says were 'preparing'. I think he's using it to spend more time together

when I'm not with Sev, Charles and his friends are following me

today was another game day, so we were in the stands

"Sorry, Weasley didn't see you" Draco jokes

"Wonder how long he's gonna stay on his broom" Blade questions

"Anyone want to bet, Weasley" I jump in

Sev rewards Hufflepuff a penalty

"You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team?" I say

"Is it people they feel sorry for" Blade guesses

"It makes sense. There's Potter, Hadrian's father is after him. Weasley's have no money" Draco laughs

"You should be on the team, Longbottom" Blade says

"You have no brains" I sneer

"I'm worth twelve of you Riddle" Neville fires

I start actually laughing

"You tell him, Neville" Ron cheers

"Longbottom, if brains were gold you would be poorer then Weasley" I say

"That's saying something" Blade laughs

"I'm warning you, one more word" Neville tries to threaten

"Ron!" Granger calls "Charles-!"

"What? Where?" Ron asks

Charles dives towards the ground

"Your in luck, agent orange, Charles obviously spotted some money on the ground!" I tease while Draco and Blade snicker

All of a sudden Ron jumps on me

I punch him knocking him out

wow, didn't know I could do that

Apparently Neville tried to fight both Draco and Blade, he's out

Bloody hell, Charles ran into Severus

I run down there "Are you okay Severus"

"I'm fine Hadrian" He tells me

I don't really believe him so I drag him to the infirmary

"I'm really fine" Sev wines as I drag him in

"If you are fine, Madam Pomphrey will confirm it" I say as we walk in

Madam Pomphrey comes out of no where "What's wrong"

Severus just stands there like the stubborn man he is

I sigh "Professor Snape was refereeing the game, Potter slammed into him. He fell down, I just want to make sure he's really fine"

she gets a twinkle in her eye "Good, Severus never comes in here. This is my chance to do his full check up"

I turn towards him "You never come get a check up, dear lord Sev, go ahead and do the full work up Madam Pomphrey"

"But-" Severus goes to start

I give him a look making him shut up

when Madam Pomphrey goes into her room to get her things I glare at him

"From now on your taking care of yourself. Oh, tonight you have to talk to Quirrell in the woods"

he just pouts at me

he's so freaking adorable


Charles pov.

When I got back from following Snape that night there was a party in the common room

Ron has a black eye and a fat lip going on "I fought Hadrian, he won, knocked me out. Neville fought both Malfoy and Zabini, he's still out. Talk about showing the Slytherin"

"Nevermind that" I say "Let's find an empty room to talk"

we find a room

"We were right it is the Sorcers Stone. Hadrian and his friends are helping Snape get information for Quirrell" I tell them

"So the stone is only safe if Quirrell stand up against your brother and Snape" Hermoine sums up

"It'll be gone by next Tuesday" Ron grumbles

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