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no body went to camp this summer

its been very quiet

Charles and I have been having hushed conversations about what is to come in the middle of the night. Other than that we both stay in our rooms

tomorrow is the day uncle Lucius picks me up also known as our birthday


Once I wake up I grab my trunk and go down stairs to find uncle already here

"You will be going to Riddle manor" he whispers

"I guessed" I sass

he apparate's us to the manor before leaving

as we walk in the main room we see father

"Hadrian and Thomas" he says

"Nice to see you father" I say

"It's nice to meet you father" Thomas says

"WORMTAIL" he calls

he comes running in "yes my lord"

"Show the boys to their rooms in the heir hall" father instructs "Hadrian after you have unpacked I want you to come back"

I nod

we go to the hall

walking in my room it's Slytherin green with a silver carpet

I unpack quickly so I don't keep father waiting

"Hadrian come" he says once I make it back

when I walk over he slings his arm around me

"Don't be afraid of me" he instructs "I will never hurt you; I am not my father. I'm making you my second; you will learn in meeting."

I breath a breath I didn't know I was holding causing him to chuckle

"You act like I did when I was around my father" he teases

I put my hands behind my back and connect them "I only know what I'm told of you, but I would love to get to know the man behind the power"

"You are good at flattery; Lucius wasn't lying" he mutters

I smirk

"I want to talk about Thomas; Lucius says he's like your mother" dad brings up

"We aren't that close sadly. I do know he's friends with Draco and the two idiots that follow them around" I say

"What do you like to do?" he changes the subject

I smirk "Dark arts, potions, Severus Snape, and making people look retarded with logic"

he chuckles "sounds like me. I am going to tutor you in the dark arts and dueling"

"Thank you dad" I echo

"Not today" he says "Dinner is at six; do not be late. Would you ask Thomas to come in here"

I nod walking away

"Dad wants to talk to you" I tell

"Why? Your his heir" Thomas says

I roll my eyes "I don't know just go"


were now watching Thomas stuff his face with food

"Does he always eat like that?" dad asks

I purse my lips "Yes, he's worse than the youngest Weasley boy"

Father looks over at me "I should probably get him some manor's lessons"

I just nod

"Big night boys" he announces

"Maybe now Thomas will probably ask out Green-Grass" I tease

"What if she's not my mate?" Tommy asks with a full mouth

"That's sick" I comment

"What are you going to do if Severus is not your mate?" Dad asks

I pout "resort to a puddle of goo"

"Tomorrow you can both invite one friend over. The next day we will start training, Hadrian" Father tells

"yes father" we both say

once in my room I start on my potions that I have been avoiding

then I remember I actually have to invite someone over

Dear Neville,
Father said I can invite someone over tomorrow. Would you be interested? If you are interested come around noon, please
Your best mate,
Hadrian Riddle

at Seven I start writhing in pain

a house elf brings me outside

first I turn into a full dragon, then a human dragon with mini wings and fire breath, then I turn into a vampire before turning back to human

walking in I see father "Your a man in the eyes of the Ministry"

I roll my eyes and go to bed


"Morning father" I say as I walk in the dimly lit room

"morning" he says back "When does your brother get up?"

"If he's not woken it will be about noon" I sigh "When Malfoy come he will wake him up"

"Who did you invite?"

"Neville Barty Crouch-Lestrange" I answer

he hums

"I'm going out in the garden" I tell

I turn into a dragon and start flying around

I see Neville in what seems like minutes later

I change into the half dragon person and drop

once on the ground I turn human

"Show off" Neville says

I laugh "What did you turn into?"

"A vampire from the Lestrange and then a thing called a nargle from Crouch; Luna isn't as loony as we think"

"Did you see my father or the duo of idiots?" I ask

"No" he tells "I saw you from the front where my brother dropped me off"

I nod "Come meet the dark lord"

we walk into the sitting room where father is reading a book

"Father this is Neville" I introduce

Dad gets up and walks over causing Neville to freeze

"I don't know what to say" is the first thing Neville says

I laugh "dad, he's my second. Do forgive him he grew up thinking he was a Longbottom"

the dark lord puts out his hand

Neville shakes it

Thomas and Draco walk in

Draco falls to his knees "It's an honor to meet you my lord"

"I like Neville more" dad chuckles

that's when I drag Neville in the dueling room


Potterhead's! This story is going to be quite a bit longer than the original one! I don't know whether I like this one or the last one better. Wouldn't it be mean if I made the ending different from the last.


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