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It was a Friday morning when the other school's were set to arrive

Severus made a fuss last night that the house has it's best behavior

He knows how to get what he wants

here I am fixing ties, tucking shirts, straightening hats, and threatening people to be good

Beauxbaton came first in a flying house....how elegant

a lady half giant comes out first

I look over at my snakes giving them a warning glare

a bunch of girls with some guys step out

the girls instantly start ogling me

I frown "I hate girls"

Durmstrang came next with a boat coming out of the water

Karkoff walks out and immediately spots me

I send him a glare

when we sit down the Durmstrang students follow

at least its not the Beauxbaton girls

"Hello Krum" I say

"Riddle" he replys

I take a slip of paper out of my pocket "tell your headmaster to read this" that's when I get up and leave

"Does he always do that" Krum asks as I walk away


at nine I go to the lake to see Karkoff

"What do you need?" he asks

"Rude Karky just rude" I laugh "anyways, I need you to enter Charles and I into the tournament. Also, I would watch Moody. That man hates my guts"


it was finally time for the champions to be picked

"The Champion for Durmstrang is...Victor Krum" Dumbledore announces followed by "The Champion for Beauxbaton's is Fleur Delacour"

with a shiver I remember that's the vela that wants to have sex with me

"The Hogwarts Champion is Cedric Diggory" Dumbledore finally announces

"We can't have a Hufflepuff champion" Charles and I both say loudly at the same time

then two other papers pop out

"Charles Potter and Hadrian Riddle" Dumbledore announces

I stand looking at the Ravenclaws "Now we just need a Ravenclaw champion. I would say the odds are ever in our favor"

then I walk down to the champions where everyone has gone mad

"Shut up" I yell as I walk in "Potter is not smart enough to enter himself"

that's when they turn their angry looks on me

"I didn't do it! I'm fourteen!" I exclaim

that's when they start interrogating Charles

"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asks CALMLY


"Did you have an older student do it?"


"he's lying" the half giant lady argues

I roll my eyes "Ok, half-breed, You really think Potter here is smart enough to do something like this?"

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