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I take Neville back to his common room

mostly to so I can talk to Charles

we walk in the common room

"Charles stay with Weasel tomorrow" I instruct

"Why" Weasley asks

"Professor Snape" Neville groans "I'm in charge"

"that was a stupid question Ron" Charles laughs

After I take Charles to detention I come back

Neville and I decided to work out tonight instead of in the morning

he comes down in a red track suit

"Trying to imitate Weasley?" I ask

"Funny Hadrian" Neville scowls

once we get out to the quidditch pitch I say "usually I run around the lake but I don't want you to over exert yourself"

"Around the lake" Neville gulps

I laugh "run around the pitch three times when you get back either do fifty push ups or fifty sit ups. Do that over and over again. Don't mind what I'm doing though"

we start working out

I am of course faster then Neville, so when I run by him the fifth time I take off my shirt slowing down some "You hot, Neville?"

"Yes" he breaths

"Take off your shirt; you are bettering yourself!" I exclaim

he ends up taking off his shirt

when we stop we see people watching us

"What are you staring at?" I ask

"People who are fat shouldn't take their shirt off" Weasley says

I nod laughing "Like you? Neville's doing something about his weight"

"Once again you prove to be a model student" Dumbledore states eyes twinkling

"Thank you sir" I echo

"Fifty points to Slytherin for helping your peer achieve their goal" he says

"I might be wrong about you Riddle" McGonagall says before following Dumbledore

"I'm going to head back to the common room" Neville tells me

I walk over to Severus who is staring at me

"See something you like?" I ask

he just stares "turn fifteen already"

I chuckle closing in on him "I wish I could just turn fifteen. You know if you are my mate you will turn back to your 15 year old body"

"I was a hot fifteen year old" he tells him putting his head on my shoulder

"I bet you were. I'll see you tomorrow at eight A.M.." I tell

he looks down "Your a very busy person"

"Your more important" I state "I'll actually see you in detention"

I run to my room so I can pick up Charles

"What are you wearing?" Charles asks

I look in the mirror

I have ripped black jeans, a white shirt, a leather jacket, and a white beanie on "I look good"

"If you weren't my brother I would hit on you" Charles says

I look over "You're gay?"

"I'm Bi, but don't go spreading that around school" Charles comments

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