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afterwards we go to the pet shop

"Wait here, this is a very personal thing" I tell them

walking in the snake section

I look at the first cage

"death, destruction" the snake hisses

uh no

all the snake's says something gruesome until I get to the very back to a black snake with blood red eyes

"Oh god, another person who's probably wanting to use me for evil. I'm not evil, I'm a good egg" the snake cries

I walk up and smile "I'm Hadrian Riddle, but I was raised Harry Potter"

he looks up "A speaker"

I turn my head "I am not a bad person, but I am in a place where I have to act like one. I have a clear plan, one where everything turns out exactly how I think it's suppose to go. I need someone to keep me grounded, someone to remind me who I really am. I need someone who no one else can understand to remind me that I have to be this shitty person because it will all be better in the future. I ask you this, do you want to be that person"

he slithers closer "Save the world"

I look at him

"My name is Mason, I would love to come with you" he says

I smile as I stick my hand in the cage

walking to the guys I say "The blonde one is Draco, the other is Blaise. They are my 'friends'"

"They don't know about this plan of yours" he asks

"The snake looks exactly like you" Draco says

"He's an idiot then" Mason hisses

"This is Mason" I tell them

"What kind of snake is he" Blade questions

"I'm a Dark European Adder" Mason hisses

"He's a Dark European Adder" I tell them walking up to the table

I turn to the guy "I need a red snake tag that says Mason"

"Mason, where did you come up with that" the guy asks

"He told me" I say

that's when the man looks up

he turns pale instantly

after paying we go outside

"This is Draco's father, my uncle" I tell him


the last two weeks of summer break was getting acquainted with Mason

he likes flying, exploding snaps scare him, and he's really funny

He likes making jokes about Draco

he also likes making jokes about me becoming a dragon at 15

"Wake up big bad dragon daddy" Mason teases

I open my eyes "could you not call me that"

"Sorry, to be Dragon Daddy suits you better" Mason reprimands himself

I get up and dressed leaving Mason take a shower

he likes to shower, weird snake

"Where's Mason" Draco asks

"Taking a shower" I tell him then look at him "Don't ask, I don't know"

once he slither's down he climbs on my shoulders

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