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it was the day of the task

I was pumped as I had finished the spell last night

As I walk down there my brother with his little lackeys Draco and the two dumb idiots come up to me

"Good luck today" Thomas says

"Thank you Thomas" I sigh "Have you seen Neville and Blaise"

"Neville was helping Potter like you asked and Blaise is already up in the stands" Draco says

I nod "see you four later" then I look back one last time "try not to get into trouble"

were all standing there ready to jump in

the horn goes off

I turn my wand on myself "Breath"

I jump in the water breathing normally

I find Severus pretty fast killing anything who dare get in my way

cutting the rope on Sev's leg I use an impervious sending us up and on land

"bloody hell Sev are you okay? Are you hurt? Do I need to kill someone? I will do it if your hurt" I ramble

I could here all the witches around us gush

I get shut up by Severus kissing me

I smirk rapping us both in my towel to watch the rest of the task seeing as how I only took thirty minutes

Fleur didn't make it passed the Grindylows. How awful is that

Diggory came next with Cho Chang

then Krum came with Granger

then after the hour was up Charles came in with Weasley and Fleur's little sister

"bloody Gryffindor's" I grumble

that's when Sevvy distracts me with kisses

"We are going out of fifty points" Bagman announces

"First Hadrian showed the use of his own spell and was the first one up we award fifty points" Dumbledore announces

my snakes and the eagles cheer

Severus of course gives me a celebratory kiss

"Next to Fleur Delacour who showed the use of a bubble head charm is rewarded twenty points"

"I deserve zero" she says

"yes you do" I say a little loudly only to get hit in the back of the head

I start pouting

"Cedrick Diggory who also used a bubbly head charm but finished the task will be rewarded forty seven points"

the Hufflepuff's applaud

"Victory Krum used an incomplete form of transfiguration third to return will be rewarded forty points"

"Charles Potter used gillyweed to great affect he returned outside the time limit but showed great moral fiber we award forty five points"

moral fiber

gosh I can't stand him

he's your brother Hadrian

he's a big git too

Diggory and Charles are not tied for second

"The final challenge will be held at dusk on the twenty fourth of June. The champions will be informed exactly one month before hand on what the task is" Bagman says

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