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The month at the Malfoy's has been pretty fantastic

I learnt what it meant to be a pureblood of my caliber

Draco and I have grown pretty close

Aunt Cissy adores me, she keeps dressing me up like a doll

I read my course books, it was pretty easy

we are now at Kings Cross about to board the train

"Bye children" Uncle Lucius

I just turn towards the train while Draco says his goodbyes

Draco says that he's going to introduce me to his friends

about thirty minutes after we find a compartment his friends start piling in

"This is my cousin, Hadrian Riddle the twentieth" Draco boasts

"Riddle's don't really make friends, they make follower's" says a boy with brown hair

I smirk but that kind of hurt

stop it Hadrian, you are a Riddle

"That's correct, If you were my 'friends' then when father returns it won't be so bad" I state

"Ok you right, Riddle. I'm Blaise Zabini" he says shaking my hand

"A Riddle. The last one was 50 years ago, but he disappeared. What do you mean by when my father returns" one of the girls says

this one has short black hair

"Do you parents tell you nothing" Draco asks

"My dad goes by the name of Voldemort" I reveal

her jaw slacks before shaking my hand "Pansy Perkins"

Draco points to the bigger looking boys "This is Crabbe and Goyle, they don't talk much"

I look at the last two a boy with a goofy grin and a girl with long hair

"I'm Theodore Nott" the boy says

"Daphanee Greengrass" The girl tells

I smirk at them all "It's a pleasure to meet you all"


Once we get off the train I spot Hagrid yelling "first years, over here, first years"

the people I just met are looking at me like I'm gonna do something Riddle like

I go behind my adoptive brother with Draco on my right and Blaise on my left "If it isn't the-boy-who-wouldn't-die"

Charles and agent orange turn around "What's wrong with you" Charles asks

I sneer "He will be the first to die when father returns, who knows, maybe he will let me kill him"

my new found friends all laugh

I did good then

we go to the boats

When we get there a sharp looking lady is waiting for us

"First years Professor McGonagall" Hagrid tells us

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take it from here" McGonagall says

Hagrid takes his leave

"Welcome to Hogwarts" she says "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but first you will be sorted into your houses. The sorting ceremony is important, while you are here your house will be your family." Draco smirks at me "You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in the same dormitory, and spend free time in your common area. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history, and each house has produced outstanding witches and wizards"

"Except for Slytherin" Charles murmurs

when she turns to look in the door I punch him

"I shall returns when we are ready for you, please wait quietly" McGonagall instructs

"How exactly do they sort us" Charles asks

"Some sort of test, I think. Fred said it hurt a lot, but I think he was joking" Agent orange says

Fred would tell Ron something like that

"Are you two retards" Draco asks

"No, why" Charles asks

I roll my eyes "We get sorted by a hat, but by all means believe Fred"

Professor McGonagall shows back up "Now, form a line. Follow me"

we formed a two person line

when we get to the great hall, everyone looks up and is awed by the night sky

I read about it, in Hogwarts a history

"It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A history" a girl with bushy hair says

someone else read that book, maybe we could be friends

"No duh, I bet your one of them" Draco sneer

oh nevermind

"Obviously, she doesn't even know what your talking about" I laugh

as we get in front, I see the sorting hat

to my distaste, it began to sing

after the song the hall burst with applause

"I think the hat is full of itself" I whisper to Draco

"Definatly" Draco agrees

"So we gotta try on a hat!" Ron exclaims to Charles "I'll kill Fred, he was going on about wresting a troll"

I snicker "I did tell you"

"He did" Draco agrees


Hello Potterhead's! It's nice to meet you! Please feel free to leave me a comment about what you like and dislike on my story!

~The Quadbrid

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