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When I woke up Severus was gone in his place was a note

Dear Dom,
I had to prepare for the year. See you at the beginning feast. I love you.
YOUR mate,

frowning I get up

"Where is aunty?" I ask

"The lady's are having a brunch; she's getting ready" uncle tells

"Where is Severus" Thomas teases

"He had to get ready for the school year" I grumble

"Someone's moody" Draco says

"I didn't get my goodbye kiss" I pout

"We could have lived our whole lives without knowing that" Draco says

Aunt Cissy walks out looking lovely causing uncle Lucius to stare

"You don't like it?" she asks

I get up and walk over taking her hand "You look like a goddess, you froze uncle Lucius with your beauty. He's a lucky man"

she blushes

"I'm sorry my love. Hadrian is right, your are beautiful and I am a lucky man" Lucius jumps

"Mother you look amazing" Draco says

"Thank you dragon" she says

I see the time "come on Mason is going to meet me in the great hall"

"How could you possible know that" Thomas questions

"the last meeting Severus had" I answer

at the platform Neville, Fred, and George find us

"You look lovely Lady Malfoy, I imagine your going to the lady's brunch? Pansy wouldn't shut up about how she wanted to go" Neville says

"Mom, you look beautiful" Fredrick says while George nods

aunt Cissy blushes

"Come on you lot. We have a four hour train ride" I instruct

about two hours in I get bored so Neville and Sirius follow me to the golden idiots compartment

I walk in hearing them talk about the quidditch match

"Was it the first time if your life that you got to go somewhere big?" Sirius laughs

"Neville, why do you stand these Slytherin's?" Granger asks

Neville sneers "You'll find out later"

"I honestly don't remember asking you to join us" Harry says

I see what looks like dress robes sticking out of Weasleys bag

I silently point it out to Neville and Sirius

"Weasley?" I ask

"What are those" Neville asks

he tries to stuff them in his bag but Sirius pulls them out fast "Weasley, can't Potter buy you better robes? Even if it's out of pity?"

"Your not going to wear these, right?" Neville questions

"These were a fashion statement in the eighteen ninety's" I chuckle

"eat dung" Weasley snaps grabbing the dress robes

Neville and Sirius laugh walking away leaving me alone

"Weasley? Are you going to enter?" I lead

"What are you talking about" Weasley asks

"I suppose Charles would never miss a chance to show off" I add

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