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Charles smiles "I will always remember that; you told me I was the best twin. I would always be just Charles to you"

I clench my jaw

"Expecto Patronum" he shouts

a stag comes out of his wand

I chuckle "Yours would be a stag"

I look at my watch Severus got me for Christmas "I have to go"


soon enough everyone was back and it was the first quidditch game since then

The Gryffindor's were going against the Ravenclaws

I was commenting because Lee happened to be 'sick'

it may or may not have been a prank gon wrong

"Here comes Charles Potter on a firebolt. I don't have one myself but I heard they were wicked fast. It's one that world champion-"

"Hadrian would you tell us what's happening with the match" Severus says

"Right, sorry professor"

"Sadly Gryffindor is in possession, Katy Bell of the Gryffindorks-I meant Gryffindor's is heading for the goal. She shoots and scores; apparently Pell's doesn't know how to block. Ravenclaws are now in possession; starting with my favorite Ravenclaw Hines. He shoots, but it is reflected by the Gryffindor captain and keeper Oliver Wood. Alicia Spinnet takes it from Gryffindor; if I was into girls I would be into her."

"Hadrian" I hear from McGonagall and Severus

I look back "While the professor's were telling me off Spinnet scored"

after a bit

"Gryffindor lead by eighty to zero. If Ravenclaw doesn't get their arse in gear my snakes are going to face Gryffindor in the final instead of Ravenclaw."

"HADRIAN" Severus screams

"Sorry professor Snape" Charles spots the snitch "Charles has spot the snitch. Look at that Firebolt nothing can compare"


"Sorry sir"

"Come on Cho you gotta beat down Charles ego by loosing to a girl" I call

"Hadrian" Severus calls once again

I look over "If you keep calling my name I'm going to give you a reason"

his face goes red

"Charles of course lost the snitch; good move on Cho. Alivia has the quaffel; she goes for it. Oh the Ravenclaw keeper blocked it for the first time in the game"

"RIDDLE" McGonagall yells this time

"I'm not a Slytherin for nothing" I say "Charles has made eye contact with the snitch once again, followed by Cho....Are those dementors? CHARLES REMEMBER"

"Expecto Patronum" Charles yells


I shadow jump down

Severus and Remus come get me

"Those weren't dementors" Remus says

the two of them lead Charles and I to a room with Thomas, Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle

everyone turns towards Severus but he turns towards me

"Punish them" McGonagall tells Sev

"Anything I do is going to be ten times less then what Hadrian will" Severus shrugs "I would take a seat and let him get on with it"

everyone sits down even the six idiots

"No" I state "You six will stand up"

"Oh he's to calm" Thomas whispers

"Yell at us please" Draco pleads

"If I did I would do something rash" I whisper "We're going to go in order. My brother and Draco first"

I breath as they shake

"I'm going to write James and uncle Lucius" I tell

then I give an idea "Blaise get me a quill and some parchment"

he hands me two short pieces

Dear James,
I need you to do something with Thomas this summer as I won't be there. He's acted a fool almost making Charles fall out of the sky. He and a couple other Slytherin's acted as dementors to try to scare him. It is only because of me he's not expelled
Your adopted son,
Hadrian Riddle

Dear uncle Lucius,
Uncle your son has gone to far! I will be punishing him and you will as well. He and some other's acted as a dementor to try to 'scare' Charles Potter. It is only because of me he is not expelled
Your nephew,
Hadrian Riddle

as always Zeke knows when I need him and lands on my shoulder "James and Lucius"

I turn toward Thomas "Brother I'm ashamed of you. You are not acting as a Riddle. You will not be coming to Draco's with me this summer. You are to be kicked off the quidditch team this year. There will be no Daphanee till next year. Blaise please escort him to the common room"

he just looks down accepting his fate as he walks behind Blaise

I turn towards Draco "Cousin, uncle Lucius will not be proud of your behavior. It is unbecoming of someone from your status. There will be no potions or quidditch. You are not aloud to talk to Blaise! Daphanee please escort him to the common room"

"But Hadrian I want to be a potions master I need to practice-"

I cut him off with a swift move of my magic rendering him speechless

Daphanee drags him away

I look at Pansy "I will be having professor Snape write to your father. Although I do not know the man personally I doubt he will be okay with this. You are not to talk to men or boys! Which means you will have no need for makeup! Sirius please take Ms. Parkinson to the common room"

she starts crying as she walks off

I turn to the idiots and point my finger at them "I am very disappointed, bad boys"

this makes them pout

"There will be no talking to each other or having dessert. Flint and Polkie take Mr. Goyle and Mr. Crabbe to the common room"

"Yes my-Hadrian" Flint chokes

"You were right that was worse then what you would have done. Why do they listen to you so well" McGonagall asks

I smirk "Last summer I knocked them all out in hand to hand combat. There also is the fact that my magic is ten times what theirs is combined"

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