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"You always have everything figures out" Sev mumbles on my chest

I look up "Look the sun is setting"

we lay out on the blanket naked to watch the sun set and the stars come out

"I wish I would have paid attention in Astronomy" I whisper followed by a chuckle

"I was never one to pay attention is the class either; I favored sleep." Severus says

I bust out laughing

I sigh "What do you think about the moon?"

"I think its a dark cold void. It's always there fading and coming back everyday. It's a constant; what do you think about it?" Sev says

"promise not to tell anyone" I ask

"Promise" he murmurs

"The moon is stunning, it's brilliant, full of life, and full of happiness. It's not always there but when it is it's amazing" I reveal

he just kisses me


the next morning the bird from Hogwarts comes while I'm making breakfast

"Hello fella" I say taking the note "thanks for the letter" then I give it some bacon

"So...professor Snape, Slytherin head of house, and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor what do you have planned this year sir" I ask

"You dunderheads have no clue about anything, so it is up to me to catch you up" Severus says in his very sexy dark teacher's voice

I lean over the counter "do I get extra lessons?"

"Of course you are my brightest student" he says

I chuckle "I have things to do today. Do you want to come?"

"Are you going to buy me more things?" he asks

"I'll buy you anything you desire" I state

"Then yes I am coming" he says

"Alright then you should probably get dressed" I say kissing his nose

I go to my closet to pull out some jeans, a gray v neck, and a brown coat

I put a 1/4 sized Mason on my shoulders

coming out I see Severus in ripped black jeans, a pierce the viel shirt, some black and white converse, a flat bill hat, two slap bans, and a black tooth looking necklace

"You look lovely my emo Submissive" I say kissing his forehead

we shadow jump to the Leakey Cauldron

"I don't like doing that" Mason wines

we go to Flourish and Botts

I get all the books I need for school only to come out to where Severus has like ten

I just roll my eyes giving the clerk my Gringotts card

"Do you want to go anywhere else" I ask

he hums dragging me to Knockturn alley

"How many books is he going to get" Mason asks

I look over the see Sev's pile "happy sub equals happy life. You should probably learn that it's why Rose keeps breaking up with you"

"Hadrian your a dick" he grumbles "He's going to bankrupt you"

"I'm the richest teen in the world; my fortune grows by millions everyday" I reply

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