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Neville and Pansy are fighting again

"Would you two just go shag already" I snap walking off

Neville finds me a little bit later "We stopped fighting, but Pansy thinks you should stop taking your stress out of us"

"I'm not" I state

"Just passing the message along" Neville says "She is right. It's not our fault you have to much responsibility"

we go into Divination because Severus still thinks it's funny to torture me

"I don't remember my dreams" Neville grumbles

"Mine are all about Severus or father" I whisper

"I had one about herbology the other day" Neville reveals "What do you think that means"

I smirk "Plants are going to eat you"

Neville does not look amused


"You said OWLs weren't this hard. We've had homework in every class so far" Neville wines

"Severus didn't give me homework. How do you think I feel I have to grade everyone's papers" I say

we head to Defense where Blade meets us in the back of the room

"Mr. Riddle, Crouch-Lestrange, and Zabini take a seat in the open seats at the front no one is to sit in the back" Umbitch says

we move up

"Your teacher's have been rather disrupt, a new teacher every year. Non of which have done Ministry curriculum" she says "Does everyone have Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard"

we all get out the book

"Read the first chapter" she instructs

I pretend to read

I could see Granger raise her hand

stupid Gryffindor's

"You want to ask something about the chapter?" professor Toad asks

"About the course aims" Granger says

"You name" the toad asks

"Hermoine Granger"

"My aim is for you to read the chapter" Umbitch tells

"There's nothing about using defensive spells" Granger persists

"Using spells? Why would you need to use the spells? Are you goin to be attacked in my classroom?"

"We're not using magic" Weasley asks

"Students will raise their hands Mr." Toad yells

"Weasley" Weasel sneers

"We could absolutely be attacked as Voldemort's son's are sitting over there" Granger says pointing to us

I roll my eyes while raising my hand

"Mr. Riddle" Umbitch says

"I'm not going to attack you in a public setting, and I don't think Thomas is either" I chuckle

"What is the use of this class?" Harry asks

"Hand Mr. Potter" she insists

Charles raises his hand with a couple other Gryffindor's

"Yes" she said to Dean Thomas

"Dean Thomas, professor. Harry has a valid question; what happens if we were to be attack-"

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