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Hagrid is back

Sirius and Neville are following me down to his shack to talk to him about his lesson plans

the golden idiots are probably there

I knock

"Come in" Hagrid says

I come in "How was the giants?"

"ugg" was my reply

"We already know" Sirius chuckles

"We're here because you can't be fired" Neville says

"Minite, I'm finishing my tory" he grumbles

I can barely understand him normally; now he sounds like a dying cat

"She's coming" Weasley says

"Dolores Umbridge, the new Defense teacher and High inquisitor, she rules the school. Do not divulge your lesson plans or where you have been" I give him a quick run down

"She's here" Sirius says

I twist my ring and grab Neville and Sirius

she knock

Hagrid opens the door "hello"

"Hello, I'm Dolores Umbridge" she introduces

"I've been told; nice to meet you" Hagrid says

"There are foot prints leading to your door but not out" Umbitch inquires

I'm a dumb wanker

"I haven't seen anyone" Hagrid says innocently

she nods "how did you get those injuries?"

he looks at them "I fell down a hill, a big one, it hurt"

"Where have you been?"

"Went to go see some friends up north" he lies

"I will be back for my inspection" she states and marches off

I twist my ring back once she is halfway up the hill

"Inspection huh" Hagrid comments

"Ya, Trelawny is on probation" Charles divulges

"Which brings me to what are you planning for class?" I ask

"Lots" he sweeps off

I sigh "Hagrid you are my favorite professor. I will fight for you, but please make it easy and don't teach anything dangerous this year. Please stick to boring stuff. I promise me and these lot will pass our OWL with an O and take your NEWT class; right"

"Of course" Granger jumps in with everyone else nodding

he smiles blushing a bit "Oh alright"

I let our a breath I didn't know I was holding

his class actually came around pretty fast

"Alright gather around the tank, don't touch them though. We're studying Chimeras, they are-" Hagrid goes on

oh he's actually taking my advice

Umbitch is watching not smiling which is real good


one night Weasley came knocking at Severus door

"Weasley?" I ask

"Charles had a dream and he's freaking out. No one knows how to calm him down not even James and Lily" Ron says

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