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I get woken up by Severus jumping off the bed

"What the blood hell Sev" I groan

"It's my first day of teaching defense, and I'm not ready. I'll be ruddy and everyone will die" Severus cries

I get up and scoop him in my lap "Sevvy, you are going to rock it, scare them into submission, and teach" then I kiss his nose

he blushes "Thanks Hades. I'm sorry for waking you up"

I get up "You'll just have to wash my hair to make up for it"

BEST shower ever

my hairs clean

Severus had his hands in my hair too

Neville and I have a free period first so were on the opposite wall of Charles and Weasley throwing stuff at the mini Gryffindorks

that was until professor McGonagall signals us over

"What are you four doing?" she asks

"Free period" Charles and I say together

"Well, Mr. Potter, professor Slughorn accepts NEWT students with EEs on their OWLs. Take Mr. Weasley with you he look far to happy" she instructs

Neville makes a b-line away knowing what is going to happen next

she turns to me "professor Slughorn asked if you could help in his NEWT class"

oh god

"Of course professor" I say

that's when I walk to the potions room grumbling

"oh, Mr. Riddle" Slughorn says "Mr. Riddle here is my assistant"

I walk in with a tiny smirk "please call me Hadrian, professor"

"Of course Hadrian, please tell me what these three potions are" he asks

I look at them "the first one is Vernisium, the hardest truth serum to make, and it's the best. The next one is Amortia, a very strong love potion. It doesn't make love though all it does is make it stronger. For example I smell potion fumes, old books, and fire whiskey all things that point to professor Snape. The last potion is Felix Filum a luck potion, hard to make"

he nods "the last potion is your prize for the person who makes Living Death the best"

I walk around making sure no one blows up a cauldron

except for Finnigan because that is not possible

Charles of course won because he has my dark prince book


Charles and I have private lessons with Dumbledick

"How has your week been boys" Dumbledork asks

"Great" we groan in sync

"Professor Slughorn thinks your both brilliant" he informs us

"He looks to much in my ability" Charles says

"I am brilliant" I smirk

"So much for modesty" Charles snorts

"What about social attainments?" he starts "I know you and Ms. Granger have been spending a lot of time together."

"You and Granger" I chuckle "I thought she was into Weasley"

"she's my friend and brilliant but no" Charles informs

"I was just being curious" Dumbledore says eyes twinkling

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