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One thing I found out is Draco hates Ron, with a passion

once we found out that flying lesson's where with them it only go worse

He wouldn't shut up about how he couldn't wait for Weasley to fall of his ass.

Blade snapped at him once, and that shut him up for two hours. Then it started again.

Blade and I found that if you spoke about flying he would then only complain that first years couldn't be on house teams.

Which lead me to snapping

that made both Blade and Draco in bad moods as well

So when Neville got a parcel I wanted to see

I went over there and picked it up

Charles and agent orange sprung up fists flying

Professor McGonagall approaches, the only professor who doesn't like me, I knew that I had lost Neville as a friend

"What's going on" she asks

"Riddle's got my Remembrall, professor" Neville says

I scowled at him while throwing it on the table "I was just looking"

it was a really bad dad until we scared the Circe out of some Hufflepuff's


When we went out to the court yard for flying lesson's James was there

"What are you doing here, Potter" Draco asks

"I'll be teaching. Madam Hooch is out sick" James explains

"Yet another Potter" Blade grumbles

"Jump in" Fire instructs

I smirk at them "You know how Professor Snape feels about Potter's, there all just no good bully's"

"Snivilous said that" James asks

"You shouldn't have said that dad. Hadrian is Snape's favorite student, and there is no doubt that he will tell Snape everything" Charles tells

James looks between us "What happened, you two were always the best of friends"

"He's turned into a slytherin git" Charles scoffs "Everyone loves him, except for McGonagall"

he looks between us again before saying "Line up by the brooms, when your there stick your hand out and say up"

Charles and I's broom went up the first time

that's not surprising though

"Now, when I blow my whistle you kick off the ground. You come down by leaning forward a bit. On my whistle; One-two-"

Neville went up really high

"Lean forward Neville" James instructs

he just keeps zooming around until we all hear a cracking sound when he falls on the ground

James runs over "Broken wrist. Come on, Neville-it's alright, come on" he looks back at us mainly Draco and Blaise "Don't move, or you will be out of here before you can say Potter"

"The great lump" I sneer

"You said it without me having to tell you, your learning" Fire hisses

"Did you see the look on his face" Draco snickers

"Shut up Riddle, Malfoy" Parvati Patil says.

I'm friends with Padma in Ravenclaw

"Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom?" Pansy goads "Never though you would like fat little cry babies, Parvati"

that was kind of harsh

I see his Remembrall so I pick it up "Look it's Longbottom's Remembrall"

"Give it here LITTLE brother" Charles demands

I sneer at him "I think I'll leave it somewhere Longbottom will find. How about up in a tree?"


I get on my broom and take off "Come and get it"

he grabs a broom

the muggle-born, Granger, tries to stop him. I know Charles, he's not gonna listen

he flies up right in front of me "Give it here" he calls "Or I'll knock you off that broom!"

he comes forward but I fly out of the way

"No friends to back you up, just me. You know I can and will beat you." he yells to me

when we were eight Charles threw me down the stairs braking my arm

"Oh, well, why don't you catch it" I yelled back

I threw the ball and went to land

he caught it

"CHARLES POTTER" McGonagall yells

all the Gryffindor's go to explain, but she wouldn't here it

Weasley looks pissed "Charlie is probably going to get expelled because of you"

who is Charlie

"Who the bloody hell is Charlie, are you talking about your idiot friend Charles" Blade asks

"Yes" Ron tells

I smile right as James comes back

"Where is Charles" James asks

"Riddle stole Neville's Remembrall, so Charlie chased him on the broom. He got caught by McGonagall" Weasley tells him

just then Professor Snape was passing by

"Your snake Hadrian was on a broom while I was away and got Charles in trouble" James yells over

he walks to us and raises an eyebrow at me

I turn to him with the signature smirk I have created "Professor, he is only going on the words of the Gryffindor's. If you would only ask the other Slytherins they would tell you the truth"

Professor Snape looks at Draco and Blaise "Did he ride the broom without Professor Potter being here"

"No sir" they tell him

the professor turns back to James "It seems this is yet another attempt of the Gryffindor's tying to get my Slytherin's in trouble." he looks at me "Hadrian, would you please come to my class at eight tonight"

I furrow my eyebrows "Of course, sir"

he then walks off

James looks at my disappointed as the bell rings

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, it only matter's what your father will think when he comes back" Fire reminds me


Good afternoon Potterhead's. I just wanted to say that I'm so happy that you all chose to read my story! I really do hope you give me some feed back or you could vote to show me you like the chapter. It doesn't really bother me if you don't but it makes me really happy if you do,


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