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It's Neville's and I's birthday

we have changed; because of all the exercise I got my growth spirt

I'm not a solid 5'11

I'm definatly going to be at least as tall as Sev if I keep growing

then again how tall was Severus when he was 15

Neville has already left with his grams glamor's on

I see the Malfoy's and my brother so I jog over

"Your taller then me" Draco says

I roll my eyes "No shit" then I sigh "Sorry to much time around these American's"

they follow me in the house

"Adam? I thought you left" I say

"Just packing. Are these your parents?" Adam asks

I snicker "Adam my father was killed and my mother is in prison. These are my aunt, uncle, and cousin"

Adam ignores me like always and approached Lucius "Nice to meet you" then turns to me "Sebastian is in his room. See you next year red eyes"

I sneer as he leaves

Sebastian walks out and looks at the Malfoy's "I knew you were magic! You must be one of those famous Riddle's"

I sigh "Yes and your one of those famous Silvey's. Don't you have somewhere to be?"

I grab my stuff that I brought here and we apparate to the Potter's

When we get there I walk inside while they wait outside

"Hadrian?" James asks

I turn to him

oh that's write he's about two inches shorter than I now

"James?" I say in the same tone "I need to get my trunk"

"Your tall" Thomas says walking down with both our trunks

Thomas has a growth spurt to he's only an inch shorter then me

Charles walks down the stairs as I take my trunk "Hey shorty"

Charles is 5'7 "That's not fair dad"

I chuckle as Thomas and I walk out of the house

we apparate to the manor

Dobby pops up "Dobby when Professor Snape comes send him to my room"

that earns me weird looks

"What? I haven't seen him in two months" I defend walking up the stairs

when I get up there two owls are waiting on me

I take the first letter

My lord,
Your father made me write to you. He asked me to inform you that Barty will be coming to the school disguised as Mad Eye-Moody. He also told me to inform you that you and the Potter boy will be entering the tri-wizard-tournament
Your faithful servant,
Peter Pettigrew

I burn the letter and take out another piece of parchment

I got your letter. Tell father that I'm thankful he informed me.
Hadrian Riddle

I open the letter from the second owl

Dear Mr. Riddle,
Your potions OWL has come through. I decided it was best to inform you like this. You have received the highest score since Severus Snape took the OWL.
The Minister of Magic


I decide to take a shower

when I come out Severs is sitting on my bed

is it just me or does Severus look more attractive then usual

"You look hot" Severus tells me

I lick my lips to go over and hug him

I secretly get his feel

when I back off he's red

that's when I take some boxers and put them on

I fall into bed with Severus "I missed you MY Sevvy"

he whimpers pulling into me "Yours, make me yours"

I inhale his sent


I shoot up

Severus looks about to cry "You don't want me?"

I chuckle darkly "You don't know how bad that isn't true. I'm only fourteen Sev. I have to read up on this stay here"

he gives me the I get what I want look that I know so well

I walk slowly out the door

once out the door I sprint to uncle Lucius office

"What?" he asks as I barge in

"I need that book I asked for at the beginning of summer"

he purses his lips and hand me it "good luck with that"

once back in my room I find Severus stripped in boxers laying in a very persuasive position

I nod going to sit on my chair

he didn't like that so he sat on my lap

that's when he started in on my neck

my friend down there was getting a bit to excited; I darted to the bathroom

finally I open the book

This is a very common problem with powerful teens! The submissive will be more wanting the more powerful the teen is. Try not to give into them. If you do they will only become more clingy as the year goes on

is that really a bad thing?

no Hadrian bad

They will try anything to get you to give in. In response you will be more dominant at times and will not allow other dominants who have not claimed around YOUR sub. You are aloud to touch if you think you can handle it. I seriously doubt you will let he or she out of your sight.

that's enough

basically don't have sex with Severus

When I open the door I find Severus naked sleeping on my bed

putting boxers on him I crawl beside him to cuddle muttering "mine"


the next morning I wake up to a particularly good feeling

I open one eye and glance down to see Severus giving me a hand job

damn it

all in one swoop I jump up and fly into the bathroom

After I get dressed I walk out to see a Severus not dressed yet

"Are you going to get dressed, Sev?" I question

he pouts "Only if you dress me"

I clench my jaw and take out some of my clothes "I guess you will wear my clothes. We need to go get some of yours because you are not leaving"

he visibly pouts some more "You don't want me, but you don't want me to leave"

I feel my eyes harden "You will not leave! You are mine!"

Severus looks down in submission

I dress him touching him more then necessary then we walk down stairs

I look around seeing only one dominant person who is mated and three submissives one who is mated.

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