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Charles Pov.

Today is my first game

I was excited, but I knew my brother and his cronies would taunt me

that made me sick

"You have to eat, mate" Ron says

"I don't want anything" I say

"Just some toast" Hermoine urges

"Have you seen my brother" I change the subject

"no, why" Ron asks

"You know he likes to taunt me. He's usually here before us. I'll be back, I'm going to ask Zabini and Malfoy" I tell

walking over they look surprised

"Seen my brother" I as

"Nope, he didn't show this morning" Zabini says

"Do you miss him" Malfoy snickers

"No! Who was the last person to speak to him" I question

"Professor Snape, I doubt that he will tell you anything" Zabini tells

I walk back to my table

"Where is he then" Ron questions

"They didn't know" I answer

"Did they give any clues" Hermoine asks

"Zabini said the last one to talk to him was Snape. My guess is he disappeared after I left last night" I reveal

"It's Professor Snape, Charles" Hermoine says

"Why do you care about that slimy snake anyway" Ron questions

I sigh "I grew up with him, Ron. Imagine if your sister ends up in Slytherin next year, are you going to hate her"

"No, she's my sister" Ron says

"He's my brother, he may act like that. I know the real him though" I tell

Ron looks confused as he says "He's not your brother though"

Hermoine rolls her eyes "Ron, he loves him like a brother"


Severus pov.

Hades didn't show up for any of his classes

I'm at the Quidditch match hoping he will show up

they mount their brooms and take off

"And the quaffel is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor-what an excellent chaser that girl is, and rather attractive too-"

"JORDAN!" Minerva yells

"Sorry, professor" he says

Lee Jordan, a Gryffindor, was doing commentary

The snitch was spotted a couple minutes later.

Hadrian is not here

just when I was about to leave Potter's Nimbus Two Thousand looks like its about to buck him out.

Hades won't like this

I start muttering the counter house

my robes catch on fire

It was probably Granger, they think it's me

it was okay because Quirrell lost his concentration too


he didn't show up for a month, but his work did

he doesn't look pleaded to be here

"Today were making an anti-potion" I tell

they all start opening their book

Except for Hades who starts making the potion

I keep watching him, hoping I'll catch him doing something wrong

I want to give him detention

He finally throws something in a Gryffindor Cauldron

"Mr. Riddle detention" I demand

he looks at me "No"

every one looks between us

"How about two weeks" I fire back


"the rest of the year"

he gives me a really look but says "no"

"I will call the Potter's" I yell

Charles Potter laughs "imagine not being able to go to the Malfoy's"

Hadrian glances at Charles "Fine, see you in detention"

we glare at each other for the rest of class

Hadrian's pov.

great...detention for the whole year

after class I walk out fast but wait around the corner for Draco and Blaise

my brother comes around the corner first

"What just happened" he asks

"Don't worry about it" I say

"Where have you been for the last month" he persists

"None of you business" I sneer

he glares at me

Draco and Blade come up

"Go away Potter" Draco says

when they leave Blade turns towards me

"Did Salazar make you come" he asks

I roll my eyes "Yes, he told me I need to go to class. He said something about exams, stupid ancestor"

they snicker as we walk towards the charms class room

"We missed you man, why does Fire look so pissed off" Draco says

"I woke him up too early apparently" I scoff

"there's no apparently about this, you did" Fire says

"Why have you been gone for the last month" Blade asks

I stop to look at them "My adoptive mother always told me to write my feeling down to burn it. I wrote a letter about Severus, I was going to burn it. Zeke flew up and took it. Sev read it"

"What it say" Draco asks

"It talked about how I loved him" I tell

at that moment Severus walks by blushing

I turn away from him quick to see them laughing at me

"Shove off" I demand

that makes them laugh harder

I 'growl' at them playfully as we walk in the classroom


that night I knock at Severus classroom

"Come in" he says

I walk in

we stare at each other for awhile

"I think we have two choices. One we could pretend you didn't read that letter, or we could continue ignoring each other. I would like to do the first one, but it is up to you" I ramble

we stare at each other a little longer

"I like the first suggestion too" he tells me patting the chair beside him "Come grade papers with me"

I sit beside him and grab some papers

he grabs my hand

my heart just skipped a beat

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