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We popped in Grimmauld place for a meeting a little late

he adjourns the meeting when he see's us

we sit down in front of him

"I would like one of you to teach Charles occlumency" he says

"What?" Severus asks

"I'll do it" I sigh "Severus hates Charles; I feel like he wouldn't explain it"

"What" Sev squeaks

oh shit

"Sev, I didn't mean it tha-" I start to apologize

he jumps up "Fine, I'll take my brain and go to Hogwarts" then he leaves

bloody hell

"Send them in" I sigh

Charles comes in followed by James and Sirius III

"I thought I was meeting with Charles" I snark

"I'm his dad and Sirius is his godfather" James says

I roll my eyes "Dumbledore feels you should learn Occlumency"

"What?" Charles asks

"The defense against the penetration of the brain" I explain

"Who's teaching him" Sirius asks

I raise an eyebrow "Who do you think?"

they don't say anything

I sigh "Me you idiot"

Charles chuckles

"Come to Severus office Monday at 5 o'clock. Let's not get detention" I say

"Did you get crucioed from all the detentions?" Charles asks

I smirk looking around "He blamed the Potter"

"The what?" Sirius laughs

I purse my lips and let out a small chuckle "the Dark Lord has this idea that because I lived with the Potter's for so long I have left over residue from them. When I do something that should be out of my character he blames the Potter, and there is the fact that I cover my tracks"

Charles eyes snap to me again "Dumbledore says that your staying here for the rest of break"

I hum "yes. Is Sirius Gabriel here?"

"Regulus old room; you two will be sharing" Sirius tells

I run up the stairs waking Lady Black

she starts screaming about mudbloods and blood traitors

"Lady Black please stop yelling" I plead

she stops to look at me "Tom?"

I grow confused for a second "no ma'am, I'm his son"

she smiles "carry on"


as soon as we get to Hogwarts I jog to Severus classroom

not there

his office

I knock

"Come in" Severus drawls

I walk in locking the door "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean it"

walking over I start kissing his neck

"G-O A-W-A-Y" he moan yells at me

that was weird

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