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the next morning I lead him to breakfast

"That's Severus right" Thomas asks with a smirk

"Yes" I snap putting more food on his plate

Dad walks in "Hello children and my new son-in-law. You look exactly how you did when I met you the first time"

Sevvy blushes some more as he puts food in his mouth

"I have a theory" father continues "Can you show me the mark"

he lifts up his sleeve to find it gone

"I was right" dad claims "When Hadrian marked you all other claims were cancelled"

"Good that mark is awful and ugly anyway" I say

dad quirks an eyebrow "tell me how you really feel"

I laugh "It is but the truth"

when Severus gets done eating I take him on a tour


I got a new wand because of mine being broken

Severus has started living here. WE go to order meetings, and I plan on taking him out so we can talk about where we stand in the war

the morning of Charles case I woke up and slipped out before father could wake up

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic; please state your name and business" the dude says

"Hadrian Riddle, here to represent Charles Potter in his disciplinary hearing" I go monotone

"Thank you, please take your badge"

I walk to the security desk and put my wand on it

"Ash wood with a phoenix feather core, 14 1/2' and quite bendy flexibility; in use for three weeks" the women says

when she looks at my name tag she gulps

I purse my lips "I take it you think my father is back"

Sirius comes up to me "They changed the time hurry up or we will be late"

I walk in there just at the right exact time "Witness for the defense Hadrian Salazar Riddle"

"You got the message then" Fudge squeaks

I look around "I'm afraid I didn't luckily my chosen uncle Lord Black does work here"

"The charges are he did knowingly, deliberately, and in full awareness of the illegality of his actions, having previously written warning from the Ministry of Magic on a similar case, produce a Patronus charm in muggle inhibited area, in the presence of a muggle, on July 23 at twenty-three minutes past nine, which consists of an offence under paragraph C of the decree for the reasonable restriction of under age Sorcery, 1875, and also section thirteen of the International Confederation of Wizards Statue of Secrecy. You are Charles Freemont Potter, of 336 Godrick Hollow?" Fudge asks

he's being a real Gryffindor

this is political

"Yes" Charles answers

"You received a warning from the Ministry of Magic for using magic three years ago, did you not"

"Yes but-"

he's twisting his words

"You conjured a Patronus on the night 23 of July"

"Yes but-"

"Knowing you are not to use magic outside until your seventeen?"

"Yes but-"

"Fully aware that you were in close proximity of a muggle"

"Yes but I only used it because we were-"

Charles gets caught up again by Bones

"You produced a fully fledged Patronus?"

"Yes because-"

"A corporal Patronus?"

"A-What" Charles asks

"More than vapor or smoke"

"Yes, so can Hadrian. Mine is a stag and his is a mountain lion" Charles answers

"How long have you done this?" Bones asks

"We learned out third year, professor Lupin taught us" Charles reveals

"Impressive" Bones says

"It's not how impressive his magic is, he did magic in front of muggles" Fudge cries

Charles looks at me

I nod already having a plan of action

"I did it because of the dementors"

"Dementors in Little Winging Surry?" Bones asks

"I thought we would be hearing something like this; muggles can's see them" Fudge states

I clear my throat "We have a witness besides Dudley Dursley, who is our cousin and is full aware of magic, she's outside if you want me to get her"

Fudge frowns "No Weasley you go"

Ms. Figg comes in the court room

"Full name" Fudge asks

"Arabella Doreen Figg" she recites

"who are you" Fudge asks

"A squib that live in Little Winging" she answers

"A squib? A Riddle contacted you? Weasley, can squibs see dementors?" Fudge asks

I sigh "it just so happens that yes they do" I answer with a smile

I take a look at Ms. Figg "Would you inform the court of what you saw on the night of July 23rd"

"I was buying cat food when I saw on the corner of Mahonia Crescent and Wisteria Walk dementor's gliding towards two boys one bigger and one scrawnier" Figg says

"Describe these dementors to the court, please Ms. Figg" I ask putting my hand on her shoulder

"they were big scary, cloaked, took out the happiness, and made everything cold. I remember my worst nightmare" she says

I look at her once again with a pitiful smile "What did these dementors do besides terrorize your neighborhood"

she shudders in remembrance "They went for the boys, the bigger one fell, and Charles Potter was trying to repeal them. He tried twice before making his stag on the third attempt chasing them away"

"Very well you may go" Fudge grumbles

she leaves

"Not a very convening witness" Fudge once again grumbles

I sigh "Minister Fudge, would you kindly put your grudge against Charles and professor Dumbledore away for this formal disciplinary hearing. I already think that a full hearing for a case of underage magic; wouldn't head of the MLA department Madam Bones sufficed?"

Fudge ignores what I say but everyone else heard it "Well, dementor's in a muggle suburb"

I look around "I don't really think it was a coincidence rather I think they were ordered there"

"What do you mean Mr. Riddle?" Bones asks leaning in

I got them

time to real them in

I sweep my eyes over them all "I think the ministry has turned there back on Heir Charles Potter and professor Albus Dumbledore! What better way to get the boy-who-lived out of the way and Dumbledore on one leg then by getting the-boy-who-lived expelled and wand snapped!"

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