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"It would just go to Thomas" I sigh "Bunch of idiots"

Severus nuzzles my neck agreeing with me

the rest of the meeting went fairly boring

when everyone precedes to exit I finally stand "We have to take our leave. We're going to an order meeting and then on a date"

Severus blushes

it was a surprise date

"Have fun" father waves off

walking in the head quarter I see the golden idiots

"What are you two doing here?" Harry asks

Charles and I make eye contact

I don't say anything just drag Severus into the dinning room

the meeting last for what seems like a bloody hour

"Where we going" Severus asks after we leave Grimmauld

"I thought I would let you decide" I suggest

"I want to go somewhere in the states" Sev demands

I take him to a WWII history museum in the states

"We need to talk" I say

"About what?" he asks

"What side of the war we're on" I sigh

he looks at me "I know that you have a special bond with Potter, but I also know that you've actually made friends with some of the Slytherin's. I will follow you no matter what you choose at the end of this"

I take his waist "My brother and dad"

"All you need you worry about is you and I" he tells me

"Your right" I whisper sticking my forehead to his


Thomas and I are leaving for Hogwarts today

Severus left really early this morning

I don't really remember it; I can vaguely remember him waking me up and kissing me

"Come back for yule" Dad instructs "I expect you both to write me; on another note I do not want letters from the school. I'm looking at you Thomas. Hadrian, you already know what I want from you."

"Yes father" I sigh as Thomas nods

I find Neville and Sirius by the golden idiots

"What's wrong with you?" Weasley asks

I sneer "It's nice to know you care agent orange"

Sirius rolls his eyes "He's got major work this year. Prefect and quidditch captain"

I see Weasley's badge

of course Granger has hers

"Weasley? Your Gryffindor prefect?" Neville inquires "I thought it would be Potter. Of course everyone knew Granger would be; she's McGonagall's favorite student. Oh, Sirius I would stop telling people Hadrian's business"

then we walk to the train splitting because I had to go to the prefect's compartment

When I get there I find Daphanee, Terry Boot, Lisa Turpin, Hannah Abbot, and Justin Flinch-Fletchy"

"Daphanee, Terry, Lisa, Hannah, Justin" I acknowledge

they nod at me

Weasel and Granger finally show up

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