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It was the first meeting we were attending

we were late because Severus would not leave my cock alone

"Hadrian, Severus, I had believed you lost your way" Father says

I look at Sev then at Dad

dad just nods getting it as does all the Dominants at the table

"Any news?" father asks

"My lord, I heard the boy will be moved on his birthday" Yaxley says

I roll my eyes "the auror's have no control over where Potter is moved anymore. They have gave you a false trail, for only the order has control. I happen to know he will be moved the Friday before"

father smiles "Good, son, you have done good"

Severus just got in my lap and now everyone is staring

"My son has carried on the Slytherin line by getting his mate pregnant" father tells them

"Stop staring before he starts crying" I snap

they all look away

"You all know Miss Jerkin, she teaches Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, she believes muggles are just like us. If she had her way she would have us mate with them" father says

Sevvy is now hiding in my shoulder

father shoots the killing curse at her

"Nanji" father says

that's when the deranged snake eats the women whole

almost everyone leaves

aunt Cissy checks out the baby

"Baby is healthy" she exclaims "Next month I can tell you the gender"

I smile "thank you aunty. Could you take Severus home? I have to talk to father"

uncle Lucius, father, and I walk into his office

"I want you at Potter's pickup" he instructs

"I figured as much. Severus is not going" I say

Father just nods

"Have you thought of names?" uncle asks

we have but we can't name the kid those because of father, so we have names in case he is still alive when the baby is born

"Thomas Lucius Riddle and Rosina Narcissa Riddle" I say

"Fine names" father says

"Godparents?" uncle asks

"after lots of fights and my sleeping in the guest room. We're going with Neville and Pansy" I tell

"He made you sleep in the spare room?" uncle teases

"Why your the dom" father says

"My lord, you do not say no to a pregnant sub. They will start crying and you can't comfort them because they are mad at you." Lucius laughs "he did the right thing. What were you fighting about?"

"I thought we should make Blaise and Draco the godparents. They were my first friends, but Sev doesn't trust them" I say

that's a lie

Neville was my first friend

I just thought Blaise and Draco would look better to father

"I want you to take our NEWTs early. After we take over the Ministry because I want you to be Headmaster. I trust you the most! Severus can come just cause I know he will throw a fit if you leave him" father instructs

"Yes father" I say


Friday was a mess

when I was getting ready Severus comes out of the room crying

"What's wrong, Love" I ask

"What if someone kills you?" he sobs

"Then I'll be dead" I say "It will be fine Sevvy"

"I don't want to be alone" he wines

I inhale "How about you stay with Cissy?"

I drop Sev off with aunt Cissy then floo to Riddle manor

there are like eight Charles

I go for the one with Hagrid

seems like a Charles thing to do

Hedwig tries to kill me so it's obviously Charles

I then back off for father who has uncle Lucius wand

when we get back Uncle Lucius gets tortured for something he had literally no control over

I meet him in the kitchen of Malfoy manor

"You see how he is" I ask "I could help you"

"What would you have me do?" he asks

"Join me" I say "stand behind Charles and I"

"Okay" he squeaks


I was taking my NEWTs because father now has the Ministry in his control

I see a statue of dead muggle's

okay that's not fucking creepy

I walk towards the office

"Name, business, wand" the girl says

"Hadrian Riddle, take my NEWTs" then I hand my wand over

after measuring my wand she hands it back with a name tag "Floor 3, second door on the right"

I go up and take my test

I'm suppose to get the results in a couple days


NEWT scores
O (outstanding), EE (exceeded expectations), A (acceptable)
D (dreadful), T (Troll)
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
History of Magic: O
Ancient Runes: O
Transfigurations: EE
Divinations: O
Charms: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Herbology: EE

Eight NEWTs

that's good

I can't believe I got an O in Divination

I find Sev who is eating.....skittles with Jelly

he stops eating to grab my hand

leading me to the bedroom he says "Fuck me"

wow pregnancy


If you can't tell I have no clue how Pregnant people act like


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